Questions tagged [business-objects]

BusinessObjects is a business-intelligence suite from SAP. Only programming related questions are on-topic for Stack Overflow. System administration and customer support questions are off-topic.

BusinessObjects is an integrated, business-intelligence, software suite with components that provide performance management, planning, reporting, query and analysis and enterprise information management.

Disambiguation : this tag should not be used to describe the "business object" design concept.

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972 questions
6 answers

Business Object DAL design

When designing business objects I have tried several different methods of writing the data access layer. Some have worked out better than others but I have always felt there must be a "better" way. I would really just like to see the different…
Bob Dizzle
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2 answers

BO Reports: have a formula produce a null

I need to have a formula produce a null in some cases, numeric in others. Then I'll use number formatting to present accordingly. Something like this: =If(Count([Product Id]) = 1) Then null Else [Amount] Unfortunately null is not a recognised…
Robert Brown
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1 answer

SAP BusinessObjects Crystal Reports -- Where does the data source come from?

I'm flummoxed with (what I believe is) a seemingly-simple theoretical question about SAP BusinessObjects / Crystal Reports store their data sources, to help me change them to integrate with our new upgrade of Maximo. One Sentence Summary: I can't…
4 answers

How Can I Keep The 'GUI' Layer Out Of The 'Business Logic' Layer?

I currently have a project that is a 'Business Object' project, and our goal is to have a clear separation between the GUI and the Business Objects. However, my project has a reference to System.Windows.Forms and that's a big red flag to everyone…
Rob P.
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4 answers

Do inheritance right

I have class: internal class Stage { public long StageId { get; set; } public string StageName { get; set; } public int? Order { get; set; } public Stage() { Order = 0; } } I have also: public class GroupStage :…
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5 answers

Loading Business Object Hierarchy with One Database Call

I would like to know what the best practice for populating a business object hierarchy (parent/child/grandchild) structure is from a single database call. I can think of a couple ways to accomplish it off the top of my head such as: left-joining all…
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4 answers

Business Object "Warnings": Good Examples/Ideas?

I'm trying to come up with a reusable warning piece for the business objects in a project I'm working on. Before saving one of our business objects, sometimes we need to warn the user of what the potential impacts are. Say my business object was…
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6 answers

Should I have one class for every database I use?

First, let me explain what I am doing. I need to take an order, which is split up into different databases, and print out this very large order. What I need from the orders is about 100 or so columns from different databases. The way I was doing in…
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1 answer

Business Objects 4 "OpenDocument" URL not working with parameters

I have a .Net app which was previously using BO 3.x's OpenDocument URL to open a particular instance of Webi Report, with a particular set of parameter values. It worked brilliantly. But with BO 4.1 and 4.2, whenever I use &sInstance=Param to get…
Mike Gledhill
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2 answers

Mark a Business Object as dirty?

I have checkbox list bind to a Business Object Collection of List<>. When an item is checked in my checkbox list, I want to mark the selected business object as dirty. How can I fetch the current business object on row click and change its…
Zo Has
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2 answers

BusinessObjects XI COM Support

I have an application that uses the Crystal Report COM SDK to create and manipulate reports against a Crystal Enterprise 10 repository. I would like to upgrade from Crystal Enterprise 10 to BusinessObjects XI and try to minimize changes to the…
4 answers

Are these synonymous, a subset of each other or completely different?

Are the notions mentionned in the question title synonymous to a certain degree? Where do the main differences lie (context, structure, ...) and can one be considered a subset of another? Here's some brief definitions taken from Wikipedia. POJO…
James P.
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1 answer

Get Business Object back from Grid View

What exactly is the e.Row.DataItem return.. MSDN says.. returns An Object that represents the underlying data object to which the GridViewRow object is bound. Here is my DataGrid...
The King
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2 answers

How to load prompt values from Excel or CSV files in WebI?

We have report and users want to upload filters to prompts on the reports from excel or csv files. They cannot enter one by one because they sometimes have hundreds of values (customer numbers) to filter. Is there a way to do that? If it is then how…
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2 answers

Succinct But Complete Example of WPF App?

Is there a succinct but complete example project or tutorial that brings together the pieces of the Microsoft stack for a complete application? WPF MVVM Business Objects EF Database I find plenty for WPF and plenty for EF, but am having trouble…
Eric J.
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