Questions tagged [business-objects-sdk]

A software development kit (SDK) to access users and groups, folders and objects, and services provided by BusinessObjects Enterprise. Includes Java, .Net, COM, SOAP, and REST versions.


109 questions
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Could not initialize Report Engine server. (Error: RWI 00226) while opening WeBi Report

Facing problem while opening the document. reportEngines = (ReportEngines) enterpriseSession.getService("ReportEngines"); ReportEngine wiRepEngine = (ReportEngine) reportEngines.getService( …
1 answer

Use the BusinessObjects repository as a datasource for a Crystal Report

I would like to use the information contained in BusinessObjects repository as a datasource for a Crystal Reports. Unfortunately, this information isn't persisted in a simple table structure--most of the properties are stored in encrypted, binary…
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BusinessObjects XI COM Support

I have an application that uses the Crystal Report COM SDK to create and manipulate reports against a Crystal Enterprise 10 repository. I would like to upgrade from Crystal Enterprise 10 to BusinessObjects XI and try to minimize changes to the…
1 answer

Create an rpt file without crystal report designer

Is it possible to create a crytal report file without using the designer in visual studio? I mean create it programmatically in C# code. I didn't find any helpful tutorial to do that.
1 answer

Download Webi report from Excel

With newly released Webi there's no way to manipulate reports with VBA like it was in DESKI era. I'd like to know if there's a way for me to click a button with parameters in Excel sheet and get a report from the server? I've been thinking of using…
Sebastien FERRAND
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How to read crystal reports class information from BO java SDK

I am using Crystal reports BO SDK R4. i am trying to read crystal reports meteadata infomration. I can able to get column and tables names which has source xml,excel. How can i read table names for the crystal reports which has source as universe.I…
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How to read union and combined Webi reports with Java BO SDK?

I need to read Webi reports metadata information which has tables and columns. I can able to read few Webi reports metadata info, but for combined and union Webi reports I am not able to read any metadata data information, I am getting query null…
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Can I query SAP BO WEBI via Excel VBA? Can I do it fast enough?

Following up on my previous post, I need to be able to query a database of 6M+ rows in the fastest way possible, so that this DB can be effectively used as a "remote" data source for a dynamic Excel report. Like I said, normally I would store the…
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How can I get the LastRunTime for a report using the Business Objects Web Services SDK?

I'm using the Business Objects Web Services SDK to access our Business Objects data. I've successfully got a list of reports, and from that found the LastSuccessfulInstance of a report that has been previously run. However, I can't seem to get the…
Jackson Pope
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create executable jar file when making businessobjects SAP BI SDK app

Hi I am writing a small SDK app for businessobjects (SAPBI 4.1). I am using Java and I want to use the BOE scheduling functionality. I have a question - I am implementing the IProgramBase class, which has a run() method. I am told that I do not…
2 answers

Find Universe meta Data Information in BO SDK R4

I am new to BO, I need to find universe name and the corresponding metadata information like(Table name, column names, join conditions etc...). I am unable to find proper way to start. I looked with Data Access SDK, Semantic SDk. Can any one please…
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What is Business Objects Enterprise Java SDK?

First, I'm sorry if my questions seems to be a noob question. I'm investigating the jars in our lib folder and found these jars: jrcerom.jar rasapp.jar rascore.jar ReportTemplate.jar Serialization.jar webreporting-core.jar Upon researching, it…
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How do I check if an EnterpriseSession token exists in BusinessObjects SDK

I am implementing a web GUI for BusinessObjects via the BO SDK (.NET) and need a way to persist and share an authentication token amongst several users. A specific business requirement is that only a single login (in this case a service account…
1 answer

Exporting Webi to Excel throws java.lang.NoClassFoundException :com.crystaldecisions.celib.trace.h

I have to export the Webi report in the excel format and show it to the user .Environment present is BOXI R3 . ReportQuery: Select * from CI_INFOOBJECTS where SI_NAME ='xxxx' and si_kind ='Webi' and SI_PARENTID=xxxx IInfoObjects webiDocs =…
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Mock an object without a constructor

I'm attempting to test a function that has a strongly-typed parameter, using a object of the same type. Unfortunately, this object is created by a factory and doesn't have a constructor. The factory requires server access and authentication to…
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