Questions tagged [bugsnag]

Bugsnag is an automated crash detection platform for web and mobile applications.

Bugsnag is an automated crash detection platform for web and mobile applications.

See more:

114 questions
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React Native: EXC_BAD_ACCESS·Attempted to dereference garbage pointer

We've been getting these errors randomly in our application over the past several months and they show up in Bugsnag. They definitely cause crashes as we've had internal members of our team report the crash but are then unable to reproduce them.…
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symfony 4 - bugsnag - Ignore specific exception type

I use bugsnag to log errors for our app. The app is built over symfony 4 and I have a custom listener that catches exceptions and treats some of them. What I need is to tell bugsnag to ignore the exceptions that I manually handle (there is no need…
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Fbq (Facebook pixel) is undefined

fbq seems to be undefined in Edge and IE (11 in this case). The errors are being reported in Bugsnag if anyone is wondering where I can see them. Are there any particular configurations i can get for this to work in these browsers? I've checked it…
Luke Todd
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iOS Bugsnag exception - EXC_BAD_ACCESS _dispatch_dispose Attempted to dereference garbage pointer

I have an iOS application in production and received the below Bugsnag exception which I am not able to recreate. Can anyone help me to understand what's going on here as the attached stack trace doesn't help me to identify where exactly this is…
2 answers

How to report any and all exceptions to Bugsnag from Laravel 5.2 app

Having installed Laravel and Bugsnag using the relevant documentation, I found that an NotFoundHttpException error for instance is not reported to Bugsnag (but notifyError yes). My question is how to set it so that all errors are reported, without…
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NSInternalInconsistencyException in folly::detail::function::FunctionTraits

Bugsnag full error : NSInternalInconsistencyException in folly::detail::function::FunctionTraits::uninitCall(folly::detail::function::Data&, folly::dynamic const&, folly::dynamic const&) …
Sonam Maniar
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How to use BugSnag inside of a nuxt.js app?

BugSnag provides a very useful and initially free product for tracking errors in your vue app. The problem is that there is no documentation for using this in a nuxt app. A plugin would be the best place to utilize it in the app. Trying to resolve…
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Proper way of using sqlite insertOrThrow

My code looks something like this: ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("year", year); values.put("month", month); database.insert(MySQLiteHelper.TABLE_DATA, null, values); Everything works fine, but unfortunately the insert query…
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Disable bugsnag on certain instances

I'm trying to use bugsnag for Laravel 5. I got some instances of my application: local, a couple of production, testing etc. In this documentation it says that I need to replace the Exception handler to…
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Adding custom data to bugsnag notifications with middleware in Rails 3.2

I would like to add a custom Tab to bugsnag for all notifications generated by my rails app. I cannot use :before_bugsnag_notify because the errors are sometimes generated by models which are being called from resque background jobs. So, I settled…
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How to configure Bugsnag with Resque::Failure?

I want to use Bugsnag to report failed Resque jobs. How do I configure it? The documentation specifically mentions integrations with Resque, but offers no guidance as to how. Do I have to write a Resque::Failure::Bugsnag class? Did someone else…
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How to catch errors and send them to Bugsnag when using `rails runner`?

We're running several cron tasks in our server, and we start them all using rails runner, like this: rails runner '' where MyTask is a class in the project. The thing is, we use Bugsnag to handle errors in case anything fails. When we run…
Alex Siri
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Bugsnag showing url of minified files instead of upload sourcemap files

I am using bugsnag for error reporting. To show stacktrace of errors bugsnag needs sourcemaps, which I am trying to upload to bugsnag using this documentation: Uploading source map github: bugsnag sourcemaps I have used upload API of bugsnag to…
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Bugsnag Error UnhandledRejection - Rejection reason was not an Error

Our Rails app in production suddenly getting this rejection error errorClass: UnhandledRejection errorMessage: Rejection reason was not an Error. See "Promise" tab for more detail. severity: error unknown file · unknown method Not much of a log to…
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2 answers

Conditionally turn off Bugsnag in Angular

I am running Bugsnag in Angular 8.x and want to completely turn off reporting based on a property in environment.ts. I know how to pass the property, but I cannot figure out how to turn off reporting. What is the process for doing this?
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