Questions tagged [browserstack]

BrowserStack is a cloud service providing web browsers and mobile devices for both manual and automated testing.

Testing in Browsers

Test in real browsers including Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 (with metro mode).

Testing Android/iOS Apps

Use App Live for manual testing an app on a wide range of different OS versions or use App-Automate to automate the tests to be run on the cloud.

Official real mobile devices and emulators

Provides a wide range of real iOS and Android devices for testing on a combination of various browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari.

Also, supports Windows phone and tablets emulators. Which allows users to test on different combinations.

Test local and internal servers

You can test against any internal/private server or local HTML designs in their remote browsers through our secure tunnel setup via BrowserStack Local Binary support.

Pre-installed developer tools

BrowserStack provides dev tools in real-mobiles which enables debugging cross-browser issues in realtime. For quick cross-browser testing and debugging on Windows or macOS, browsers come with preinstalled tools like Firebug, Developer Toolbar.

Multiple Desktop OS

Test on multiple flavors of Windows and Mac OSX Operating systems.


Screenshots tool provides a quick snapshot of a page by capturing screenshots on a combination of selected devices.

555 questions
1 answer

Testcafe "chapters" in Text Log on Browserstack

I have a test suite that takes ~ 10 minutes to run in BrowserStack (Automate). If a test case fails, it is challenging to find where in the recorded video the failure occurs. Having the fixture name and test name visible in the bottom of the browser…
1 answer

Testcafe + React + Browserstack

I am trying to use testcafe-react-selectors in my TestCafé tests to make testing the react parts of my app easier. The tests run fine locally, but when I try to run them in the CI, the react parts don't work. Example jsx: export const Nametag = ({…
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Standalone vs embedded Browsermob proxy for cloud-based tests (Sauce Labs/Browserstack)

I made a working test locally with embedded Browsermob proxy server. Nothing new, but still here is the sample code. _server = new BrowserMobProxyServer() _server.start(); Proxy proxy = ClientUtil.createSeleniumProxy(_server); …
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'Session ID is null' error on IE in BrowserStack

I'm running some tests on multiple browsers/devices on BrowserStack using WebdriverIO. While the tests execute fine on all other browsers, on IE10, it always fails with an error on BrowserStack saying 'Session ID is null. Using WebDriver after…
1 answer

How to automate BrowserStack screenshot API on my localhost?

I tried to go through their Screenshots API & Local testing but got lost in between.. All I want is to test my front-end style guide (language agnostic), can someone direct me to a good direction please?
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Ho do I capture ctrl + click on MacOS with d3js

I got a report that my script which should trigger on ctrl + click does not work on Mac. Like shown in "Determine if Shift key is pressed during mousedown event" we can determine if modifier keys are pressed during a mouse click testing…
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Is it possible to set the timezone in browserstack?

I found something for the selenium test but I dont see something for manually browsing. It looks like GMT is allways used. I look for a way to test my local site with a specific timezone. Setting the timezone for the machine would also change the…
Mathias F
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3 answers

Browser Stack Local Testing Parellel Test

I need to run my all test cases in parallel of 4 different browser. On my chrome driver its work fine. Problem arise when i try to run in parallel as local testing. I get following error com.browserstack.local.LocalException: *** Error: Either…
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Capture full-height screenshots from Browserstack with Nightwatch

I want to capture full-height screenshots from a Nightwatch test, using Browserstack - I can capture the visible screen, but not the entire document. I've tried this: browser.execute(function () { // get document dimensions }, [], function…
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BrowserStack + Protractor + TravisCi and secure localhost server - configuration

Trying to have an e2e test to test my server and it's UI on TraviCI. I'm however not able to come up with the necessary configuration in order to run all the components and access seleniumServer on BrowserStack. I am able to get my session started,…
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Running multiCapabilities on browserstack using browserstack-local

I'm working on an angular project where we have end to end tests using protractor. We use gulp-protractor to run these tests. Every thing works fine on local. Now we want to increase the number of browsers and devices under tests, so I started to…
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Accessing html tag using selenium and CssSelector

I am trying to access the order attribute for the html tag header > div.column Here's my code : var element = driver.FindElement(By.CssSelector("header > div.column")).GetCssValue("order"); But I got Object reference issue for GetCssValue . looks…
IndieTech Solutions
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1 answer

Run protractor e2e tests in TFS build

How I should configure my TFS build to make it possible run protractor e2e test in browserstack, and return me some html report which test are failed? I am new in TFS. I can do it manually from my machine, but not sure have I can do it in TFS. This…
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WebRTC Audio Testing with Audio file

I was looking for a way to automate WebRTC audio testing and ran into this flag --use-file-for-fake-audio-capture=/path/to/file.wav This seem perfect for what I need but I am wondering whether it is possible to provide a link instead of a local…
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How to get rid of IE security dialog with Selenium / Nightwatch.js / Browserstack

When running tests against IE in browserstack it seems that IE is coming up with a security exception message: This is coming up because the backend api that is being called is using a self signed cert which is untrusted (it needs to be like this…
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