Questions tagged [browserstack]

BrowserStack is a cloud service providing web browsers and mobile devices for both manual and automated testing.

Testing in Browsers

Test in real browsers including Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 (with metro mode).

Testing Android/iOS Apps

Use App Live for manual testing an app on a wide range of different OS versions or use App-Automate to automate the tests to be run on the cloud.

Official real mobile devices and emulators

Provides a wide range of real iOS and Android devices for testing on a combination of various browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari.

Also, supports Windows phone and tablets emulators. Which allows users to test on different combinations.

Test local and internal servers

You can test against any internal/private server or local HTML designs in their remote browsers through our secure tunnel setup via BrowserStack Local Binary support.

Pre-installed developer tools

BrowserStack provides dev tools in real-mobiles which enables debugging cross-browser issues in realtime. For quick cross-browser testing and debugging on Windows or macOS, browsers come with preinstalled tools like Firebug, Developer Toolbar.

Multiple Desktop OS

Test on multiple flavors of Windows and Mac OSX Operating systems.


Screenshots tool provides a quick snapshot of a page by capturing screenshots on a combination of selected devices.

555 questions
2 answers

Browser Stack , replacing session name with class or test Name

I using TestNG to run parallel test execution on browser stack. On Browserstack json config file I had declared all code needed . Is it possible to pass custom name for each session when executed parallel Here is my config file { "server":…
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Uploading a file on IE11 + Safari using Selenium (via BrowserStack)

While trying to run automated tests on BrowserStack to test a webpage on IE11 and Safari, I'm unable to upload a document from the test-running assembly. I have the following code: var uploadFile =…
0 answers

Protractor tests run instable ( ETIMEDOUT )

We are working to make our Protractor E2E tests stable, so our development and deployment flow can depend on it. However, until now we are not able to have a fully stable run of E2E tests. Sometimes, inconsistent which, some test somewhere is…
2 answers

ChromeDriver Remote - disable notifications using browserstack

I use selenium on BrowserStack service and I need to disable chrome notifications [ex. on screenshot]. Locally I do it with the following code, but all manuals in Internet didn't help me to get it working on remote ChromeDriver on…
1 answer

Running protractor tests on multiple browsers with browser stack

I am trying to run E2E tests on multiple browsers on browser stack, I took the reference from E2E testing on multiple/parallel browsers in Protractor? and Internet Explorer Selenium protractor e2e tests but the error I get every time I try to run…
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7 answers

Ruby selenium cannot load such file -- selenium-webdriver (LoadError)

I'm trying to utilize BrowserStack's automated testing using ruby with Selenium WebDriver with Eclipse. Here is the code i'm trying to run: require 'rubygems' require 'selenium-webdriver' # Input capabilities caps =…
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5 answers

Protractor: timed out after 10000 msec waiting for spec to complete

I have several protractor tests and sometimes I get a error saying: Message: timeout: timed out after 10000 msec waiting for spec to complete Stacktrace: undefined It can be randomly happening on some tests. I usually test on…
1 answer

Selenium connection time out when initializing driver

I've written a Django (version 1.3, sadly) management command to connect to BrowserStack with Selenium and am going to be using to run integration tests. (I've had to write a custom management command to get around the fact that we use AskBot within…
1 answer

Testing Cypress with Browserstack does not work: "Malformed Archive"

I am trying to get a Cypress example test running in Browserstack. I am following this tutorial: Run your Cypress tests However when it comes to running browserstack-cypress run im getting the following output: [2020-12-4 17:00:12] - info: Reading…
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BrowserStack - Incorrect SendKeys on IE11

I am running a Selenium test on BrowserStack and sendkeys command is not sending the specified text to the input field. I noticed that this issue usually occurs with special characters like @, #, etc. How do I fix it?
2 answers

BrowserStack script fails with MaxRetryError

The script from from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities desired_cap = { …
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Run test on browserstack chrome browser in iPhone using testcafe

I am using TestCafe to perform end to end testing in my project, and using browserstack to support cross-browser testing. I was able to use browserstack for different browsers in Linux and Windows. But I was not able to test in browsers for mobile…
1 answer

Error while trying to upload apk file to Browserstack cloud, using Axios / node-fetch

I am trying to upload .apk / .ipa file to browserstack cloud programmatically (instead of running the curl command) Option 1: Node-fetch api const myfetch = require('node-fetch'); const buildToPost = { file: '' }; const options = { …
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2 answers

TestCafe on BrowserStack without LocalTesting?

I am running TestCafe tests and troubleshooting BrowserStack failures related to LocalTesting ( I would like to NOT use LocalTesting in my test runs. In reading up on TestCafe's BrowserStack plugin and its…
0 answers

Run test with Testcafe + Teamcity + Browserstack

Does anyone be able to successfully set up the testing by using all these 3 tools? I can run testcafe test alone at the server and it takes 20 sec to run. When I run that test with TeamCity, it takes 12Min. When I add browserstack, somehow…
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