Questions tagged [browserstack]

BrowserStack is a cloud service providing web browsers and mobile devices for both manual and automated testing.

Testing in Browsers

Test in real browsers including Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 (with metro mode).

Testing Android/iOS Apps

Use App Live for manual testing an app on a wide range of different OS versions or use App-Automate to automate the tests to be run on the cloud.

Official real mobile devices and emulators

Provides a wide range of real iOS and Android devices for testing on a combination of various browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari.

Also, supports Windows phone and tablets emulators. Which allows users to test on different combinations.

Test local and internal servers

You can test against any internal/private server or local HTML designs in their remote browsers through our secure tunnel setup via BrowserStack Local Binary support.

Pre-installed developer tools

BrowserStack provides dev tools in real-mobiles which enables debugging cross-browser issues in realtime. For quick cross-browser testing and debugging on Windows or macOS, browsers come with preinstalled tools like Firebug, Developer Toolbar.

Multiple Desktop OS

Test on multiple flavors of Windows and Mac OSX Operating systems.


Screenshots tool provides a quick snapshot of a page by capturing screenshots on a combination of selected devices.

555 questions
2 answers

NodeJS, fs.readFileSync string-by-string reading, and operating. How?

Sorry for so dumb question, How i can in NodeJS read from file string by string some value, for example - url, and do operation with each string eventually? var contents = fs.readFileSync('test.txt', 'utf8'); and what then? It's need for…
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2 answers

Total test execution time using karma runner

We've currently switched to running unit tests remotely on browserstack in multiple browsers on multiple operating systems with the help of karma-browserstack-launcher plugin. Currently the output of the test run looks like this: $ grunt…
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2 answers

What is the point with the API?

BrowserStack is a powerful platform for testing web sites against the most current and modern browser. So far so good. BrowserStack also provides an API The API has the concept of a worker representing a specific browser (version) loading a…
1 answer

How to run ReactNative Based app on Browserstack-Automate/ App-live?

My Test app is ReactNative based native app (both Android & iOS) There's the dependency on 'Metro Bundler' in order for data to get populated. How to make sure that Metro Bundler dependency is run, when tried to access the development app on…
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1 answer

Selenium WebDriver Safari (11.0) TypeError: Value is not a sequence

I'm trying to automate some regression tests for a site using Selenium but get the below console errors in Safari 11.0 whenever the WebDriver extension is active (not there when disabled): TypeError: Value is not a sequence TypeError: Not enough…
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3 answers

Browserstack Win7 IE10 not playing HTML5 videos

I've been building a website that uses HTML5 video. I started testing with Browserstack and everything looked good, until I got to Windows 7 IE10. Any video element simply wont load the .mp4 on Browserstack. It just shows a blank screen. Examples of…
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2 answers

Python Selenium - ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback

I am using BrowserStack to run Selenium scripts in Python. Keep in mind that I am new in Python, so maybe there is a simple solution to this that I am not seeing. You can see the code here When I run it, it always shows the following: How to I…
Vedran Korponajić
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0 answers

How to fake stream to Chrome instead of using WebCam

I am writing a test automation framework using Java and Selenium. I am running the tests both locally and also using Browserstack. The website under tests includes features that use the PC's camera to scan documents and faces. Instead of using the…
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3 answers

BrowserStack Error- [browserstack.local] is set to true but local testing through BrowserStack is not connected

While trying to execute a Selenium test on BrowserStack with the capability 'browserstack.local' as 'true' I am getting the following exception- org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: [browserstack.local] is set to true but local testing through…
2 answers

Is there a command line flag to enable flash for firefox?

I am working on our automation tests, and I can't figure out how to start our Browserstack firefox browser with flash enabled/allowed. Is there a flag for firefox that enables/allows flash ? We are using Karma as a test runner. I have tried : var…
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5 answers

Cannot load site on localhost with iOS devices on BrowserStack Automate

I'm hosting a .NET Core HTTP application on localhost using Kestrel on an available port for some browser-based UI tests, but when trying to access it using real iOS devices with BrowserStack Automate with BrowserStackLocal.exe, Safari consistently…
Martin Costello
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0 answers

Unable to obtain Firebase ID on iOS using BrowserStack

When testing a Mobile Application on BrowserStack (App Live) on iOS devices I am unable to obtain a Firebase ID, which we use for sending push notifications to both iOS and Android devices. The Firebase ID can however be obtained as expected using a…
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1 answer

Passing arguments to execFile in node

I am trying to connect to browserstack using their binary and passing my key as an argument. if I do this in a terminal window: ./BrowserStackLocal --key ${BROWSERSTACK_KEY} Connection succeeds, my key is passed as expected. However I wish to run…
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1 answer

How can you test a web app in a Windows 10 touch screen environment? (browserstack and sauselabs don't work)

I'm trying to test a website using Windows 10's touchscreen gestures. We don't actually have a Windows 10 device with a touchscreen, but and‎ do not have this option. What's the right way to test via Windows…
Eric Baldwin
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0 answers

Unable to trigger "mouseover" and "mouseout" events in IE11 in WebdriverIO

Injecting JavaScript snippet to trigger the "mouseover" and "mouseout" events. Works well with Chrome, Firefox and Safari (both locally and remotely). For IE11, I can verify that it works in console. But when trying to automate it, throws error:…
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