

"Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live. " - John F. Woods

I create cool web applications all-inclusive for already 10 years. Prototyping, design, frontends, backends and infrastructure. Either on my own or coordinating a team behind it. Also familiar with embedded electronics.

Ideal for small companies or internal corporate startups who are in need of a universal problem solver with a deep full-stack knowledge and experience in devops.

I mostly write Typescript using either Node.js on the backend or React/Vue.js on the frontend. My everyday instruments are Docker, Webpack, ESLint, a bunch of CI/CD tools. All my apps are covered with tests, mostly using Jest or Mocha.

Was certified as project manager in 2016. Have a broad mentoring experience — helped over sixty people on codementor with their projects, architecture and testing environments.

Feel free to check my portfolio at