Questions tagged [browsermob-proxy]

BrowserMob Proxy (BMP) is based on technology developed in the Selenium open source project and a commercial load testing and monitoring service originally called BrowserMob and now part of Neustar.

The proxy is a free (Apache 2.0 license) utility that works well with Selenium or can be used independently.

It can capture performance data for web apps (via the HAR format), as well as manipulate browser behavior and traffic, such as whitelisting and blacklisting content, simulating network traffic and latency, and rewriting HTTP requests and responses.

For details and download:

202 questions
1 answer

How to write HAR File for BrowserUp Proxy HAR-Object

I trace my HTTP-requests with BrowserUp ( Proxy and get a HAR Object from the Server. Sadly BrowserUp does not contain a method to write this Object to File, which is why i use the same Method as…
0 answers

How to get performance data and saving it to JSON by filtering through comparing its URL in JAVA?

I want to capture Performance Data which I'm able to capture by using BowserMob Proxy and Selenium. What I'm getting is multiple requests such as Google ads etc. I need to capture only the request whose URL matches mine. I've tried it using…
2 answers

HAR incomplete when using BrowserMob Proxy in an Extension for Arquillian Drone

I wrote an extension for Arquillian-Drone that is supposed to record the HTTP-Requests of the Test and create a HAR-File for each method. The HAR Files are created ( well most of the time ... it seems to be a bit unstable at the moment), but they…
0 answers

How to change public IP address with browsermob-proxy?

When I check my public IP address through using browsermob-proxy, its the same as when visiting the site through my browser locally. I'm wondering how would I configure browsermob-proxy to use a different public IP…
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browsermob-proxy+selenium with vpn not working on mac but works on windows

I'm using JMeter with my project jar and trying to open the browser with browsermob-proxy, but it shows ERR_PROXY_CONNECTION_FAILED with my VPN connected on MAC. Error Screenshot proxy = new BrowserMobProxyServer(); …
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Running Selenium and BrowserMobProxy on AWS Lambda

I am running headless chromedriver on AWS Lambda . Now I want to generate HAR file on lambda. So can anyone tell me how to generate har results / file on lambda . I tried to use BrowserMobProxy on lambda but getting the following error:- File…
0 answers

Add headers to home page URL using browsermob in protractor test automation

I have been trying to integrate browsermob-proxy-node with a protractor-cucumber-typescript framework. For the purpose of adding headers to the home page of my application. The scenario is such that the if the headers are added to the application,…
0 answers

How to create Log file for BrowserMobProxyServer

Here i'm trying to open chrome with proxy but chrome shows error "ERR_PROXY_CONNECTION_FAILED" , therefore i need BrowseProxyServer logs to Debug, Please suggest how to save them. public static void main(String[] args) { …
0 answers

BrowserMobProxy with browserstack is not intercepting the response

I am using JAVA + SELENIUM web-driver + browser mobproxy + browserstacklocal ( embeded) compile 'com.browserstack:browserstack-local-java:1.0.2' compile 'net.lightbody.bmp:browsermob-core:2.1.5' Locally its working fine as I am able to intercept…
1 answer

Set a passthrough using browsermob proxy?

So I'm using browsermob proxy to login selenium tests to get passed IAP for Google Cloud. But that just gets the user to the site, they still need to login to the site using some firebase login form. IAP has me adding Authorization header through…
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Is there a way to inject a script tag in browsermob-proxy if it does not already exist?

I would like to use browsermob-proxy with selenium and inject a script tag IF it does not already exist. Is this possible using javascript?
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Generate Har-File file using Browsermob Proxy without Selenium in Java

I need to capture all hosts a webpage requests resources from to during its loading process. Currently I am achieving this using Selenium with PhantomJSDriver and Browsermob Proxy to generate a har file. After generating the file, I can parse all…
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URL blacklisting with BrowserMobProxy in Robot Framework/Selenium?

I'm using RobotFramework with Selenium library for writing automated test cases for various websites. I've encountered an issue where due to slow loading from third-party URLs, some pages take forever to load and I want to block them to speed up…
0 answers

Detect when a new page is loaded

I'm developing a tool that will browse a site doing a series of actions (clicks, filling forms) and record all the HTTP petitions to verify implementation error/changes I'm using: Python 3.6 Selenium Browsermob proxy The tool does exactly what…
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Activate Ecc for Browsermob/Selenium

I have the problem that the testing with Selenium and browsermob becomes very slow for certain websites. Here is my current code for setting up the server and proxy: server = Server(path_browsermob) server.start() proxy =…
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