Questions tagged [browsermob-proxy]

BrowserMob Proxy (BMP) is based on technology developed in the Selenium open source project and a commercial load testing and monitoring service originally called BrowserMob and now part of Neustar.

The proxy is a free (Apache 2.0 license) utility that works well with Selenium or can be used independently.

It can capture performance data for web apps (via the HAR format), as well as manipulate browser behavior and traffic, such as whitelisting and blacklisting content, simulating network traffic and latency, and rewriting HTTP requests and responses.

For details and download:

202 questions
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Browsermob standalone server : Not able to capture HAR : Mobile

I am trying to capture HAR using browsermob standalone server. But, once the server is started and server:port is configured in mobile i am not able to connect to internet. Below is the steps i have followed. Download browsermob from below location…
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How to install SSL certificated created using little proxy in firefox and safari browser?

i am using browsermob proxy latest version with selenium script i am intercepting http requests and adding custom headers on every request and routing all http and https traffic through browsermob proxy when https request is made in firefox and…
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Why is browsermobproxy not working for my internal ip?

While I am used to python, I am not very familiar with all the protocols used by browser. I am not trying to setup a proxy for my selenium webdriver and this is the code that I use. from browsermobproxy import Server, Client server =…
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Selenium-Java:Browsermob Proxyy- NoClassDefFoundError

I updated POM.xml with latest selenium-java dependency and Browsermob proxy. Java Code: WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(); driver.get(""); driver.quit(); POM.xml looks like,
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Python BrowserMob Proxy with IE captures incorrect HAR?

I am currently trying to use BrowserMob Proxy (v2.1.1) + Selenium (v2.5.3) for Python (v2.6) to test page load times and output them to HAR files. I need to test both Chrome and IE. I currently have it working perfectly for Chrome and it runs…
Jd Francis
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Set up browsermobproxy to run successfully with appium and sauce labs

I am unable to create a BMP to capture traffic from my Java tests being run in Sauce labs. Has anyone ever completed this task successfully? Here is my exmaple code: public class AppiumTestBase { BrowserMobProxy proxy; public…
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Browsermob Proxy (java): failing to rewrite a URL

I'm using BrowserMob Proxy and I want to redirect traffic from my production server to a test server. For that I'm using a rewriteUrl in the followin manner: public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { …
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Unable to Fetch Network Traffic Logs via BrowserMob Proxy with Selenium Webdriver

I am not able to Fetch Network Logs using Browsermob Proxy when set Http proxy , it will just create a har file but i am not able to see any logs inside the file Below is my Code :- String strFilePath = "./PerformanceLogs/PerformanceLogs.har"; …
Sumanth N
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How to add RequestInterceptor and change Referer in BrowserMob-Proxy 2.0

I am using BrowserMob-Proxy inside a Selenium test suite. I would like to change the Referer for a few tests. I have added requestInterceptor from the 2.0 docs into our MyProxy class and while it does not generate an error the Referer is not…
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How to get page load time from har file in python?

I'm trying to get the page load time. I'm using BrowserMob Proxy with selenium to generate the HAR file and haralyzer to read the HAR file. Details and error log is here, Please suggest if there are any other way to achieve this.
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'NoSuchMethodError' exception with browsermob-proxy 2.1.0-beta4

I'm trying to capture traffic from my mobile device using browsermob-proxy 2.1.0-beta4, but I keep getting a NoSuchMethodError exception that weirdly enough keeps mentioning Google - java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:…
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How to run BrowserMob Proxy with RobotFramework and Capture HAR files

I have written this code in robotframework ${proxy}= | Evaluate | sys.modules['selenium.webdriver'].Proxy() sys, selenium.webdriver | ${proxy.http_proxy}= | Set Variable | | Create Webdriver | …
Vinaykumar Patel
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Browsermob: how to accept https traffic

I use browsermob-proxy-2.1.0-beta-4-bin, and when I create an instance, I can view only HTTP-based sites. Is there any way to view HTTPS-sites?
N. Kuznetsov
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Rewrite HAR content via BrowserMobProxy and Selenium

Is it possible to change the har (with json in it) response from an https site? I see the initial json by getText(), then use setText(), and change its size by setSize and setBodySize. The content is changed as I see in debug. But it seems that…
1 answer

browserMob proxy with phantomjs throws "" for http protocol

Trying to use PhantomJS(com.codeborne:phantomjsdriver:1.2.1) for some headless browser testing along with BrowserMob Proxy(browsermob-proxy-2.0-beta-9) to capture HAR files and Javascript execution. It works for urls with https(eg.…
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