Questions tagged [brep]

B-rep is the abbreviation for Boundary REPresentation, a method for representing shapes using their limits.

In solid modeling and CAD in particular, the boundary representation method (B-rep) is used for describing solids.

Models are composed of two parts: topology and geometry. Geometry uses surfaces, curves and points. Topology uses shells, faces, loops, edges and vertices.

11 questions
1 answer

Implementing boundary representation modeling

Does anyone have any good implementation strategies or resources for putting together a b-rep modeling system? OpenCascade is an apparently good library for b-rep modeling (used by FreeCad and PythonOCC are both very cool) but the library is huge,…
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1 answer

Winged-edge vs half-edge

I try to understand boundary representation (B-rep) and I cannot find what's the advantages of the half-edge data structure versus the winged-edge one. I've found in this book that winged-edge cannot represent the state where a vertex but no edges…
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2 answers

What's the main difference between B-Rep and Mesh index represation

I know B-Rep (ParaSolid) is the popular solid representation. From my past experience, I always touch the triangle mesh representation like OBJ, STL file format. I am wondering why B-Rep is better than mesh representation? What's the main…
Adam Lee
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0 answers

Boundary representation in ThreeJS

I have been using ThreeJS for building my own web based CAD frontend. The API has amazing capabilities. My intent is to integrate the physics of the ThreeJS interface with a different product and sadly, the only supported common CAD format is STL.…
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What is the difference between Brep and polygonal mesh in 3D Geometric Representations?

I am confused about Brep (Boundary Representation) and polygonal mesh. Because both of them are a collection of vertices , edges and faces, but in computer graphic books Brep is explained under Solid Modeling section while polygonal mesh is…
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1 answer

what's the main difference between B-Rep and Parametric representation

For solid modeling, I heard besides B-Rep, there is parametric representation. Is there any difference between those two?
Adam Lee
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3 answers

Boundary representation data structure

I've been reading about using the winged-edge data structure for storing a boundary representation. However, the linked site says that this is one of the oldest data structres for storing b-reps, are there newer better ones? Secondly, is there an…
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1 answer

OpenCascade: brep read fails

OpenCascade does not load some brep file but if I try to load with FreeCad they works. The code is: #include #include #include #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { …
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Generation of cubic grid

I am trying to generate a cubic grid in Matlab so that I can produce a grid of M x N x Q cubes with M, N and Q being integer numbers. I don't need to plot it but rather to produce a B-Rep of the grid (vertex matrix and faces matrix - with no…
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Volume of a B-rep?

I would like to know how to calculate the volume of a solid object that is represented by Boundary representation (B-Rep)? Any hints? Thanks in advance
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Can someone please explain the Ray-casting algorithm for point in polygon i.e. containment check?

Consider a polygon with two loops i.e. Outer loop& inner loop as shown in images attached with this question. Can someone please explain me how exactly Ray-casting algorithm will work in such cases.? If possible, please put some images/drawings in…
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