Questions tagged [branching-strategy]

134 questions
2 answers

Git branching model: a few questions

We have almost settled for a branching model where we have a master branch which represents the production code and a release-x.x branch that represents future releases. However, there are a few scenarios we are unsure how to solve effectively: Live…
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Which branching strategy with multiple branches using Git?

We are relatively new to Git using it with a branch setup with multiple branches, i.e. not just having one branch and then applying feature branches. Our branching model consists of the following (in this order): Master / Production QA System…
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TFS 2015 Branching and Merging

I am using TFS 2015 and struggling with a branching model. below is what I am trying to achieve: Current we have a "Dev" Branch from which we take a new "Feature" branch for every new sprint story. We complete the coding and then merge back into the…
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Managing Releases/Features with TFS Branches

So, I've been scratching my head for a couple of days trying to come up with an efficient way to manage Releases/Iterations with TFS branches. Here's the situation: We have a project for which we have releases, and for each release we have…
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How to Accomplish This Branching and Deployment Strategy Using TeamCity and Octopus

I have been researching and am trying to figure out the best branching and deployment strategy to accomplish the requirements below. Maybe I’m missing something but it is more complicated than it seems. Ideally, we’d just have one permanent branch,…
2 answers

Git branching strategy to accommodate changing feature prioritisation

How can Project X be released (merged to Master) without Project Y's changes? Moving forward, should Solution A, B and C all be separate repositories moving forward (despite them relating at a business level)? Scenario We have a single repository…
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git workflow for deployment of code to production, when there is a need to change debugging related code in production?

We use git with the git flow branching model for our project. In our codebase there is some debugging related code which we turn on by default in non-production code (debugging output / debugging flags). Our current workflow for deploying a release…
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TFS branch guideline, only one release branch, would it work?

Discussing TFS merge and branch guideline internally, some team member suggest only leaves one release branch, and 'keep it aligned with production' by implementing the hotfixes and services packs there. My thinking is to create multiple release…
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Removing features from branch before deploying

We gonna use GIT lab as our SCM and in initial POCs we have come across a situation like this. As in typical GITLab flow (shown in the diagram), We have Master, development and parallel feature branches as required. When all features belonging to a…
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Branching strategy for version control in tfs

New to branching concepts here. We have a solution under TFS 2013 with no branches. Some of the files in the Solution (Used to marshal methods of a third party module) could be incompatible with previous versions and we have to update the usages…
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Git strategie for multiple versions

I am developing a plugin for another software. Until now, this software was version 2.x.y and my strategie was the following: I have a develop branch on which I am working and which I use to branch of feature-branches until the feature is finished.…
Antje Janosch
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Development Isolation branch strategy: Origin for branching?

We have two branches; Development (whereby developers regularly check/integrate into) and Main (where code from Development is merged into for versioning/releasing). When reading about branching "strategies"/"best practices", it is said that…
Dave New
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svn : how to branch a subdirectory and then later its parent directories

I have branched a subdirectory using: svn cp --parents trunk/path/to/dir branches/path/to/ After committing this subdirectory, I later would like to branch source code from a parent directory using: svn cp --parents trunk/path/to…
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SVN branching Selective merging without feature flag

I want to start using SVN for my team, One main trunk and weekly Release branch for test and go live was what i was thinking. However, There are projects which doesn't want to go live until unspecific period. Lets say Jan 1, team start making…
1 answer

gitflow hot fix branch vs long lived release branch

I've been looking at the gitflow workflow a bit, and it makes sense and is very similar to what I've done in the past. I've done things a little differently when it comes to releasing and hot…
Jeff Storey
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