Questions tagged [branching-strategy]

134 questions
17 answers

Branching Strategies

The company I work for is starting to have issues with their current branching model and I was wondering what different kinds of branching strategies the community has been exposed to? Are there any good ones for different situations? What does…
Craig H
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4 answers

Multiple development branches with git-flow

I am currently looking a lot into git-flow, and trying to figure out, how to use it for the projects I am involved on. I have looked at the various git-flow tutorials and I am fairly familiar with git. Hence I do not need any tips on git alone, but…
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2 answers

How do closed branches affect Mercurial performance?

I've noticed that some answers to questions about branch names quote the Mercurial wiki to indicate that the branch-per-feature or branch-per-bug naming conventions may cause performance problems. Does the ability to mark branches as closed with the…
Chris Phillips
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3 answers

git-flow: workflow for making "release candidates" / QA web artifacts

We are developing several projects that consist of web artifacts, using the git-flow branching model. Refer to: Vincent Driessen's git flow branching model We are using develop branch and jenkins to auto build and deploy SNAPSHOT web artifacts to…
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5 answers

What branching strategy should I use during the development/maintenance of a web application?

I am trying to decide on the best branching strategy for a web application project. Here is what I have come up with until now and I would greatly appreciate any comments and experiences. The way I see it there are two main branching strategies:…
1 answer

Trunk-based development release & hotfix questions

I'm having trouble to understand how to deal with the following scenario: Feature A is committed to master as commit A. We are ready for release v1.0.0 so we tag commit A as v1.0.0 and we create a release branch rel-1.0.x from it for QA. Feature B…
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1 answer

Git: Test combination of two feature branches

I have a Git branch for each feature. However, sometimes, when developing in branch A, I would like to test how A would behave if B was applied also. At the moment, I use this: git checkout A git branch base git merge B git reset --mixed base git…
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2 answers

Git branch is still on same line as master

I am getting something unexpected happening in the git tree. I have created a branch off of master, however while I am performing commits on the new branch it appears as though these are taking place in the same code line as master... As you can…
Matthew Pigram
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2 answers

How can I do a bugfix on master and integrate it into my less stable branch(es)?

I'm using Git for one of my projects at the moment, and I love it. However, because I'm the only one working on my project, the only commands I've been using are git status git add . git commit -m 'message here' git push origin master I have pushed…
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4 answers

Multi-Developer-Setup with SVN-VC and remote test-servers for each developer. Best practices?

I would like to have some input on how a professional development setup with the following requirements might look like. several PHP-developers (say PHP) each developer belongs to one group each group has one team-leader who delegates tasks each…
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4 answers

Enable branch protection rules in Github at the Organisation level

Is it possible to enable branch protection rules at the organisation level in Github so that all repositories part of that organisation inherit these rules for the applied branches. Right now its really a hassle to enable those same set of rules on…
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1 answer

What is a good branching strategy when developing several future releases at once?

The past I develop a software project using subversion as an scm. Until now, development always happened in trunk, so problems arose when a bugfix release was necessary. Now, we want to rethink our branching strategy and the requirement is: We want…
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2 answers

Git merge strategy for Agile Branching workflow

We're adopting a new branching policy to work with Agile and to enable us to release on a feature by feature basis, whereby we have a master branch and a QA branch as perpetual branches. Nightly builds will be based on QA and releases will come from…
Andrew Trevers
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2 answers

Git branching model strategy

We are trying to follow the gitflow branching model, but with a twist. We have have four servers environments where the product can be deployed to, each server serves a purpose : development, internal testing, external testing, and…
David Smit
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1 answer

How do I set a default merge strategy specific to a file with Git?

This question is not iOS-specific, but I'm including the actual use case here for clarity I run an iOS project called Foobar, obviously kept under version control. Amongst the project files in the iOS project environment there's something called…
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