Questions tagged [branching-strategy]

134 questions
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Define contraints for specific exact cover problem

I have a specific problem in mind, that I want to solve using Knuth's Algorithm X. However, I struggle to translate my problem into suitable contraints, that make up the incidence matrix for Algorithm X to operate on. For my sports club summer…
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GitHub Multiple Teams Branching Model for a Repository

We have the below branching model in GitHub for our applications to release them in multiple environments. Overall Branching Strategy Points to be considered - In our organization multiple teams work on single repository with different release…
2 answers

How can I branch my code in a way that makes testing possible without contaminating the baseline?

Using TFS, we have the following: A main baseline A development branch for each development effort. These get merged back to the baseline. A release branch that is created with each release. Bug fixes are made here, released, and merged back to the…
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How to identify scripts being modified under two different SVN branches

Here is some background to the way we work The team I work uses SVN to check in code. A branch is created for each Release people are working on. Trunk is the production code and no one touches it. A Release branch is merged into the trunk as soon…
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Alternate branching strategies in Gecode

I post here to ask if there is a way to alternate different strategies of branching. Let me explain, I have an efficient branching strategy which we'll call the strategy A. The biggest problem is that the strategy A cannot be used that often. So…
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Struggling with an ideal Git branching strategy for a simple whitelabel solution

I am moving my source code into Git from TFVC land, and I figured it's time to clean up and do it properly - at the moment there is a lot of copy/pasting going on. My project has a 'main' solution - which is seen as the Gold Standard if you will.…
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Branching strategy - Release Isolation With Continuous Deployments / Integration?

I have been creating builds and releases for the last 2.5 years (also with rm 13) using TFS and RM. Recently , I tried to embed the 'Branching by Quality' pattern for Branching strategy in our Company. we need hot-fix merge, sprint merging , bug…
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Git branching for agile development

First, I want to Keep my master branch ALWAYS green. Be able to cherry pick changes for the next release. Branching strategy: I have a master branch and an integration branch running alongside with it. Branch off from master by tasks/issues. When…
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Branching to UFT API requests based on values in a data table

I have a "master" script in HP UFT 12.52 that runs tests for the gui side of or application and works fine. We want to use the same data table that drives the GUI tests on the web service. The master uses an excel sheet to drive the values needed…
Jan D
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Handling a forking/pull-request flow with a staging branch

I am currently in the middle of planning a new Git flow in my company and the new idea for it is to migrate over to forking and pull requests as well as add a staging branch for testing. The proposed branch spec master (development) - contains…
Karl Viiburg
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Efficient TFS branching strategy advice

Our company (internal projects) used version control (TFS, now 2015) for simply keeping an audit trail of released code - I have brought in the use of branching and merging and its completely changed the way we look at bottlenecks in the development…
Krishan Patel
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Suggestions on how to handle branches in git for unfinished user stories

This is related to trying to deal with unfinished user stories. An example: In sprint 1, there is a user story #100. So we create a sprint branch (sprint-1) and then off that branch a user story branch (us-100). At the end of the sprint, the user…
Greg McGuffey
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TFS - What is the best branching strategy for this scenario?

My goal is to have a structure like this: Project X -- Main -- QA -- Dev -- Feature X Ideally, when working on a new feature, I would like to branch off the "Main" trunk and create a new "Dev/Feature X" branch. Once I have the feature ready for…
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How can I merge finished work patch instead of its whole history into test branch?

A developer starts work on a feature lets call it "Fix a hardcoded link", once it's done, it's passed to another developer for peer review. Peer reviewer is ok with code changes and merge feature branch into test branch. "Fix a hardcoded link" is…
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Choosing A Branching Strategy To Fit Our Deployment Needs

Background So, I've spent the better portion of the last month automating our web + db deployment using MSDeploy, SSDT and TeamCity. The only problem is that, for demonstration purposes, I've only worked from our trunk branch. Needless to say, this…
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