Questions tagged [blackberry-ndk]

The BlackBerry OS 10 NDK is a tool that lets you develop applications for BlackBerry OS 10 using C and C++.

The BlackBerry OS 10 NDK is a tool that lets you develop applications for BlackBerry OS 10 using C and C++.

10 questions
5 answers

The best way to get BlackBerry 10 logs?

BlackBerry 10 has quite sophisticated logs system compared to iOS and Android. The only solution i found is using javaloader tool like this: javaloader.exe -u eventlog > eventlog.txt But it seems to work only with pre-10 versions of BlackBerry OS.…
Sergey K.
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1 answer

Handling Touch Events With the BlackBerry Native SDK

I'm reading the OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming Guide and on their examples the use a helper library that they've created called esUtil.h (which has a version for BlackBerry), that is contained on the book examples repository, the problem is that now I…
Nathan Campos
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2 answers

How to integrate native blackberry 10 or wikitude SDK with webworks?

I am working on a BB 10 app using Webworks . I have almost completed it but the clients want to implement wikitude SDK for AR . But it only provide SDk for native blackberry 10 . Is there a way to implement wikitude with Webwork . Or a way to…
1 answer

Invoke the system web browser as a card on BlackBerry 10

Is it possible to invoke the system web browser as a "card" in Blackberry 10 os? Trying the code below will launch the browser in a new process: navigator_invoke_invocation_t *invoke =…
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1 answer

Installing Target Bar file in Blackberry 10 alpha Simulator

I have question w.r.t BB10 BAR file installation in Alpha Simulator. I created a blackberry 10 casecade application on QNX Momentics IDE. Application works fine on Blackberry 10 alpha simulator when i use the 'Simulator-Debug' mode. I also created…
1 answer

Building BlackBerry 10 native application package from command line

I have created a native HelloWorld application for BlackBerry 10 using BB NDK 10.0.9 and running it inside a simulator. I use Momentics IDE and can easily compile and deploy my application. However, i want to setup an automated build process from…
Sergey K.
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1 answer

QtCreator with BlackBerry Z10

I installed BlackBerry NDK including IDE and downloaded the SDK. Now, I already set up Qt-Creator 2.8.1, 2.8.0, 2.6.2... In every version there is another problem with the build settings. The most appropriate try was with 2.6.2 and manually setting…
Sebastian Lange
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0 answers

Determine Device Password and Encryption state on BB10 (ndk)

Is there an API that allows one to determine whether Device Password and (memory) Encryption are turned on by the user? I'm using the C++/qml Stack at API Level 10.2
Markus Bruckner
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2 answers

BlackBerry 10 Native SDK - CellID always returns 0

CellID & LocationAreaCode always return zero on my device: Sample Code: int cellId = bb::device::CellularNetworkInfo().cellId(); int LAC = bb::device::CellularNetworkInfo().locationAreaCode(); The above will ALWAYS be zero Strangely signal…
1 answer

Access Phone Lock in Blackberry 10

I want to check if the user entered wrong password on blackberry 10 device phone lock. Is there a way to do so or shall I make a custom phone lock App and do same? I am avoiding custom phone lock app as I don't have any idea about how will it…
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