Questions tagged [blackberry-dynamics]

Use this tag for questions about the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK - a powerful set of tools that allow you to focus on building useful productivity apps

The BlackBerry Dynamics SDK provides a powerful set of tools that allow you to focus on building useful productivity apps rather than learning how to secure, deploy, and manage those apps. You can use the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK to develop apps for all major platforms that leverage valuable services, including secure communications, interapp data exchange, presence, push, directory lookup, single sign-on authentication, and identity and access management.

18 questions
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Socket.IO using Blackberry Dynamics Cordova API

I have a Cordova App that uses Socket.IO for communication with the server. I would like to make the app compatible with the Blackberry Dynamics which appears to have a number of plugins that replace the common methods of connecting to the server…
2 answers

BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS v. and Firebase analytics crash the application on iOS 14

We have integrated BlackBerry Dynamics SDK to our iOS application which is also using Firebase analytics. Everything is working fine in devices running iOS 12/13, but on devices running iOS 14 the application crashes when initialising Firebase. The…
1 answer

Xamarin IOS needs to redirect to BB Access for OpenID connection

A client wants to open the BB Access browser when logging in with OpenID (They are using Azure) and i'm having trouble finding docs about this specific issue. We only want to open BB Access as a browser and let our backend handle the rest of the…
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Upgrading Blackberry Dynamics app - native Linking error

I am upgrading an existing app written using the Xamarin Bindings for Blackberry Dynamics on iOS. I have updated to the static SDK for iOS v8.1.0.37, and am using Visual Studio for Mac 8.7.8 on macOS Catalina 10.15.7. Xcode 12.0.1 and Xamarin.iOS…
0 answers

How to fix veracode issues which are occurred due to blackberry dynamics sdk?

I am using blackberry dynamics SDK in my android application for security purpose. For scanning the application I am using Veracode. But I am getting some errors in the Veracode report. When I scan the application without using blackberry SDK I…
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GD_ gets added to path when downloading file using URLSession with BlackBerry Dynamic SDK in swift iOS

I have integrated Blackberry dynamics sdk3.4.1.82 in my iOS Swift application. I am downloading file from server using "downloadTask" method. Once file get downloaded, "tempLocalUrl" gets added "GD_" in path. But actual in filesystem name doesn't…
Rohit Kale
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Unable to integrate "Black Berry Dynamics" in React-Native (iOS)

I followed these steps to integrate :- and then in package.json -> dependency…
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Get BB Dynamics Authorized User's Email Address in React Native App, Blackberry-Dynamics-React-Native-SDK

I have integrated Blackberry Dynamics in my React Native App using the Blackberry-Dynamics-React-Native-SDK. React Native Version - 0.63.4, BB Dynamics SDK version - 8.1 After passing through the authentication screens provided by BlackBerry…
1 answer

Dynamics SDK v9.1 - iOS Simulator on M1 Apple Silicon Support

The release notes for Dynamics SDK v9.0.x mentions that iOS Simulator isn't supported on M1 Macs. On Apple M1 devices, the SDK does not support building and debugging BlackBerry Dynamics apps on the iOS simulator. As a workaround you can build and…
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Unable to get response from Private URL using fetch from BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-Networking

Here is my code snippet import { fetch } from 'BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-Networking'; async componentDidMount() { try { let res = await fetch('', { method : 'GET', headers : {} …
1 answer

Blackberry Access App crash when input type date is clicked in IOS 14 device

Blackberry Access App gets crashes when input type date is clicked in IOS 14 device. I am using latest version of blackberry access (v3.2). This happens only in blackberry access. On safari in IOS 14 device, it works fine.
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Development with Blackberry Dynamics SDK without access to NOC possible?

I want to develop an app with Xamarin and the Blackberry Dynamics SDK. In the documentation it says that, even when simulation mode is used, the SDK tries to communicate with a NOC. So from my understanding, I can't even open the app in development…
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BlackBerry Dynamics - do the Xamarin bindings work with the new Dynamic Framework beta?

I maintain several iOS apps that use BlackBerry Dynamics Bindings for Xamarin.iOS. One of our apps has a production version that was build against version of the bindings, along with an earlier version of the SDK and targeted iOS 12. With…
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BlackBerry Dynamics SDK iOS v. 8.0 crash app

I did new enterprise application for BlackBerry Dynamics servers. I did register at Blackberry and take a free trial for BlackBerry UEM server Cloud (for test purposes). Any way, after all stages with activation device etc., my application got Crash…
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Android: JNI is unable to find the while running the release mode apk

I was trying to use the BB dynamics SDK in order to wrap the apk for BB UEM compliant. I made the required changes in Gradle files and other required changes. Now when I am using the debug mode apk, it's working fine. However, the release mode apk…