Questions tagged [good-dynamics]

Good Dynamics is an MDM platform and TLS / sandbox security implementation for mobile devices running iOS or Android. It comprises both end-user packages for device management and application distribution as well as an SDK for bespoke application development.

Good Dynamics is an MDM platform and TLS / sandbox security implementation for mobile devices running iOS or Android. It comprises both end-user packages for device management and application distribution as well as an SDK for bespoke application development.

25 questions
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Socket.IO using Blackberry Dynamics Cordova API

I have a Cordova App that uses Socket.IO for communication with the server. I would like to make the app compatible with the Blackberry Dynamics which appears to have a number of plugins that replace the common methods of connecting to the server…
3 answers

Xamarin failing to compile to native code

I am trying to use the Good Dynamics SDK in Xamarin, I don't know Objective-C well so I am a bit lost here. This is an attempt at a proof of concept, I'm not sure if this is actually doable. I've added the GD file as GD.a from the GD.framework…
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2 answers

Two errors with FIPS when trying to deploy to device from Xcode 11.1 after upgrading to MacOS Catalina 10.15

I use Blackberry Dynamics SDK in my app and after upgrading to the new MacOS 10.15 Catalina I have issues deploying to a physical device. I cleaned the build folder, cleared the cache, cleared derived data, uninstalled/reinstalled all pods, but I…
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0 answers

Special character from Sqlite GD database android

I am parsing the data from sharepoint server, from there I have some set of documents, that documents I am parsing and storing into Sqlite GD database that data having some special characters. I am displaying that data in text view. If I have some…
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GD SDK send-email API doesn't work with GFE

We have an application with Good Dynamics SDK integrated in it, that is supposed to send emails through Good For Enterprise. We use the following code to call the send-email API : BOOL isRequestAccepted = [GDServiceClient…
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2 answers

FIPS_mode_set failed: fingerprint does not match

Does anybode use Good Dynamics latest version (2.0.447) or any other with FIPS enabled? Application runs on sim but crashes on device. Here's the log: p.s. it seems that I've done all necessary things such as adding these lines to xcconfig…
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iOS App Crashing when SQLLite inserting more than 3000 records using Phonegap and Good Dynamics

I am using Phonegap(Cordova) with "Good dynamics" in iOS. We have a table with 15 columns and need to insert more than 10000 to 200000 records based on condition at once. But my app is getting crashed in iPAD when testing for more than 2000 records…
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2 answers

Good dynamics build issue

I get an error for GD framework saying unable to spawn process '~/Library/Application Support/BlackBerry/Good.platform/iOS/FIPS_module/x86_64.sdk/bin/gd_fipsld' (No such file or directory) Can you guess what could be wrong. Is the sdk not installed…
0 answers

GD_ gets added to path when downloading file using URLSession with BlackBerry Dynamic SDK in swift iOS

I have integrated Blackberry dynamics sdk3.4.1.82 in my iOS Swift application. I am downloading file from server using "downloadTask" method. Once file get downloaded, "tempLocalUrl" gets added "GD_" in path. But actual in filesystem name doesn't…
Rohit Kale
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1 answer

Good Dynamics support for swift 3.0?

I'm trying to implement Good Dynamics for iOS. I want to know if anyone uses it frequently.. although it's made by blackberry but they haven't provided support for swift 3 yet nor swift 2.3. Only swift 2.0 is supported. So has any one tested it or…
Umar Farooque
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1 answer

How to read the file after sending a file using "GDServiceClient sendTo:" method as attachment?

I'm Using two native iOS Apps to implement Good Dynamic Framework app kinetics, for now I'm successfully able to send a consumer request, received it at producer end and send a reply form producer , received at consumer end. using sendTo…
0 answers

Android dalvik errors with Cordova 3.7 plugin, Good Dynamics

working on a project running API 19, Cordova 3.7 plugin on Android. Seeing these messages in logcat but not sure what could be cauing them. I have never seen these kinds of errors in regular Java dev. Can someone shed some light what some of these…
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1 answer

Good Dynamics Phonegap SDK - simulation mode hangs on "retrieving policies"

I am attempting to get a simple "Hello World" app running, using Cordova and the Good PhoneGap SDK. I can create, build and run a simple cordova app in both the Android and iOS simulators (from an ios machine). Once I add the Good SDK (using the…
Ed Schembor
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1 answer

Good dynamics fatal exception from sample app

Has anyone encountered this error while trying to use Good Dynamics sample applications from their SDK? It has me stumped as i have included the what should be all the necessary files 01-24 06:28:21.463: E/AndroidRuntime(1436): FATAL EXCEPTION:…
Christopher Lawless
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1 answer

Good Dynamics: How can a third party create an IPA consumable by the Good Wrapping server?

We are an independent third party software developer. Our software is currently approved by Apple, and available for download from AppStore. Now we have a potential customer who has Good Dynamics setup ( (with Good Wrapper,…