Questions tagged [blackberry-c++]

5 questions
0 answers

BlackBerry OpenCV Compiling New Versions

I want to compile OpenCV v2.4.11 for a BB10 native app What I tried: Track 1: Using the already built android version of OpenCV 2.4.11. After solving all the dynamic links that I could i just had a couple of link errors with the kernel(found some…
2 answers

How can I ellipsis a Text in BB 10 Cascades?

I'm developing a BlackBerry 10 mobile application using the Momentics IDE (native SDK). I have a Label which has fixed width. If a Text does not fit in this Label, I want it to be ellipsis (elliding the text with the conventional "..." at the end)…
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1 answer

Programmatically change the layout of an external keyboard on Blackberry OS 10.3.3

I have Blackberry Z30 (OS ver.10.3.3) and external BT keyboard. The problem is that in this model and OS version it is not possible to assign several layouts and a switch key between them for the external keyboard. The layout for an external…
1 answer

Invoking BBM Video/Audio from Workspace application

I am able to invoke BBM chat from workspace, but I cannot invoke Video/Audio chat. Is this available, or is it restricted? Here is my invocation code. InvokeManager invokeManager; InvokeRequest…
0 answers

BB10 merge 2 bar files in 1 application

I have an application that devide in 2 parts native bb code that access device information like call log and running a bg service android code that contain the ui The question here how can i merge these 2 app in one bar files.