Questions tagged [bing-maps]

For questions about the Bing Maps API, a cloud mapping platform provided by Microsoft's Bing. This API is used to power map experiences in Microsoft and third-party applications, including web, Windows Forms, WPF, and UWP applications.

Bing Maps is a powerful cloud based mapping platform provided by Microsoft's Bing.

It powers many map-based services such as the Bing Maps website and a number of Bing applications, including Bing Travel and Bing Weather. It is also often embedded in third-party websites using the Bing Maps API. Bing Maps provides APIs for web, Windows Forms, WPF, Windows Phone apps, and Windows UWP applications.

Technical support


2593 questions
3 answers

WP7, How to use a service reference after adding it to Visual Studio 2010

I'm following this example for connecting to the Bing Maps geocode service: About half way down the page, it explains how to add a service…
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Jquery Bings Maps Json reload

I would like to achieve the following with Bing Maps. In #content, markers will be displayed from JSON. After 15 seconds, all markers should be deleted and reloaded. Loading the map and markers work fine. Also delete the markers work. Only after no…
2 answers

Get user's location (latitude, longitude) with Bing or Google Maps API

is there a way to retrieve a latitude & longitude of the user using Bing Maps API or Google Maps API. I think I saw an code snippet where a "autolocate me" feature was used to mark user on the Map…
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Bing Maps API - SQL - geometry vs geography type

I'm developing a Mapping Service with Bing Maps AJAX API and SQL Server 2008. The question which appears to me is should I use the geography or geometry data type. I researched a lot but doesn't found a satisfactory answer. Here are some links about…
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Issue with Bing Map --p_elSource.attachEvent is not a function

I am facing major problem with Bing Maps. I am using : First I am getting error in firebug as : this.CreditsFor=function(a,i,j,h) { var e=[]; if(a!="undefined"&&a!=null&&typeof…
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3 answers

Restrict the min/max zoom on a Bing Map with v7 of the AJAX control?

I'm working on a site that makes use of v7 of the Bing Maps AJAX Control. One of the things I need to do is restrict the zoom level so as to prevent users from zoom in past a certain level, or zoom out past a certain level. I found a "getZoomRange"…
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Topographical or relief data in Map APIs

I was wondering if anyone knew of any map APIs that offer topographical or relief data? I've had a quick look at Google and Bing APIs, but could find nothing there. Google allow you to view a map as TERRAIN, which means you can see the topography…
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4 answers

How to tell if a line intersects a polygon in C#?

I have a question very similar to this: How to know if a line intersects a plane in C#? I am searching for a method (in C#) that tells if a line is intersecting an arbitrary polygon. I think the algorithm by Chris Marasti-Georg was very helpful,…
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3 answers

Maps with Windows Forms application

I am building a C#/Winforms application that requires a map (a la Google maps, Bing maps etc.). But I am terribly confused by the ToU (licensing) - non-commercial use etc. My questions: What mapping provider would you suggest (preferably free) to…
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1 answer

Bing maps: Direct Access to tiles and Api key

i am using Bing map tiles in my Android application. I download tiles from and it works fine, but i understand that i need to append a token to this URL in order to make this…
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3 answers

How to zoom to fit in WP7 Bing Maps control using LocationCollection?

How can I zoom the Microsoft.Phone.Controls.Maps.Map control to the correct zoom level on Windows Phone 7? I have a LocationCollection of GeoCoordinates and I calculated the Center myself, but now how do I calculate the correct zoom level to fit the…
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1 answer

Application using Bing Maps API

I need to create an application where user can enter Longitude and Latitude in TextBox and it will show a MAP using BING API. I need to show the Acquisition Date of Bird's Eye View and satellite View in the Map. Also an option that user can show the…
Umair A.
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5 answers

Warning: MapServiceToken not specified

I have been making an UWP app with the using a MapControl but when I run the app I get an error in the bottom corner saying "Warning: MapServiceToken not specified". The XAML I am using is as follows:
Robert Small
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6 answers

How to round a decimal to the nearest fraction?

Not sure if that is the right way to ask this or not but here is the problem. Given a latitude of 26.746346081599476, how do I find the number 26.75 as the 16th greater than the number and 26.6875 as the 16th lower than the…
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4 answers

Is there a way to access the Bing Maps geocoding API via REST?

Is there a way to access the Bing Maps API via REST to obtain geocoding information from an address? This is something that's trivial to do with Google and Yahoo; what I'm looking for is functionality like this, from…
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