Questions tagged [ber]

The Basic Encoding Rules were the original rules laid out by the ASN.1 standard for encoding abstract information into a concrete data stream. The rules, collectively referred to as a transfer syntax in ASN.1 parlance, specify the exact octet sequences which are used to encode a given data item.


The Basic Encoding Rules (BER) are the rules that were initiated from the ASN.1 definition for encoding abstract information into a concrete data stream.

The rules, known as a transfer syntax in the ASN.1 parlance, denote the octet sequences which are used to encode a specific piece of data.

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43 questions
1 answer

ASN.1 SEQUENCE (OF) real tag value

I am finding a lot of contradicting information regarding the tag value for the SEQUENCE (OF) ASN.1 datatype: Wikipedia claims it is both 0x10 and 0x30: ->…
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Parsing PDOL for GET PROCESSING OPTIONS command in EMV transaction

I am trying to build a correctly formatted GET PROCESSING OPTIONS command to be sent to a contactless EMV card. This post has been very helpful but I just need to know a little more detail. When parsing the PDOL, is it safe to assume that each tag…
Scott Condron
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Confused about BER (Basic Encoding Rules)

I'm trying to study and understand BER (Basic Encoding Rules). I've been using the website to experiment with different ASN.1 objects and encoding them using BER. However, even the simplest encodings seem to confuse…
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Opensource Java ASN.1 decoder that work with automatic tags

I'm new to working with ASN.1 encoded streams and I'm having a hard time finding a free class compiler and decoder, preferably for Java. I have an encoded hex string: String test("30820274800200a2810105820410300c3d830401bb0afc84... Here is an…
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When reading BERTLV, when do you stop?

I have the following BERTLV: 61394F0BA00000030800001001234579074F05A000012345500E49442D4F6E65205049562042494F5F50107777772E6F626572746875722E636F6D7F66080202800002028000 I'm trying to parse this in a recursive way, so I am treating the first part as…
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Decode SNMP PDUs - Where to Start?

Hello my first ever question on here, in need of bit of guidance. I'm working on a packet sniffer mainly to decode SNMP PDUs, however I am not entirely sure where to go with it. Simply put my packet sniffer can extract information from packets…
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Additional Octet String in Bouncycastle signed data message

I am creating a CSCA Master list signed data but after successful creation of it, I see two Octet String instead of one in signed message. Please check the source code and output files CMS using BC // load master list signer key …
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How do you encode a post-1994 ASN.1 EXTERNAL type?

Background: Prior to 1994, EXTERNAL was defined like so (with automatic and explicit tagging): EXTERNAL ::= [UNIVERSAL 8] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE { direct-reference OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL, indirect-reference INTEGER OPTIONAL, …
Jonathan Wilbur
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How do you escape double null octets within an octet string encoded with indefinite length in BER?

I am trying to write a Basic Encoding Rules codec in D, and I would like the ability to encode data with indefinite length encoding, in which the length byte is set to 0x80 and the end of the value bytes is demarcated with a double null 0x00 0x00…
Jonathan Wilbur
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Interpreting ASN.1 indefinite-lenght encoding with multiple encapsulated octet-strings

I have a BER structure like this... $ openssl asn1parse -inform der -in test.der -i -dump ????:d=4 hl=2 l=inf cons: cont [ 0 ] ????:d=5 hl=3 l= 240 prim: OCTET STRING 0000 - AABBCCDD ????:d=5 hl=2 l= 8 prim: OCTET…
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Can I specify an Application or Context-Specific tag with C# BerConverter.Encode()?

.NET's System.DirectoryServices.Protocols assembly specifies a light-weight ASN.1 BER encoder, but the documentation is not great: BerConverter. You call it by specifying a format string and a list of objects to encode. INTEGERs can be encoded with…
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Reading encode asn file manually

how to read encode asn file manually? what is the Tag-Length-Value, Is there a good tutorial ? In the following examples i read each of them but does not clean for me, can anyone help to read each of them : 30 82 02 10 04 01 56 … (for many more…
0 answers

PKCS#7 CMS - Message digest calculation process

i'm studying RFC 5652 in order to know exactly how to encode/decode PKCS#7 ASN.1 data. I don't understand how one can create a signature when the field "signedAttrs" is present: The result of the message digest calculation process depends…
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2 answers

Encoding of implicit and explicit tags in ASN.1

I am trying to understand how IMPLICIT and EXPLICIT tags are actually encoded in the DER binary form. The basic examples are clear. Plain integer, x INTEGER ::= 5 is encoded as a TLV triple 02 01 05. In x [2] IMPLICIT INTEGER ::= 5 implicit tag 82…
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EMV TLV parsing sometimes does not display constructed values (childs)

My method parseTLV() sometimes does not properly decend into constructed values (child TLVs). I use a filter ((tag & 0x20)! = 0) to detect constructed values, but sometimes it doesn't work as expected. For…
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