Questions tagged [ber]

The Basic Encoding Rules were the original rules laid out by the ASN.1 standard for encoding abstract information into a concrete data stream. The rules, collectively referred to as a transfer syntax in ASN.1 parlance, specify the exact octet sequences which are used to encode a given data item.


The Basic Encoding Rules (BER) are the rules that were initiated from the ASN.1 definition for encoding abstract information into a concrete data stream.

The rules, known as a transfer syntax in the ASN.1 parlance, denote the octet sequences which are used to encode a specific piece of data.

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43 questions
2 answers

Find and replace (increment) ASN.1 BER hex value

I have a long string of hex (converted from BER ASN.1) where I need to find and increment a particular value which is incorrect. the ASN.1 tag is 84 and the length byte will change from 01 to 02 when the value >…
1 answer

Encoding of first identifier of an OID in ASN.1 into BER

OID's it seems are a way to represent a tree like structure. Eg being iso(1).org(3).did(6).internet(1) The encoding scheme used most commonly seems to be BER and I am confused about the encoding of the first two digits. Why are the first…
Angus Comber
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2 answers

ASN Basic Encoding Rule of an integer

I'm currently studying the Abstract Syntax Notation One and reading the ITU-T Recommendation X.690. On page 15 in paragraph 8.3.2, there is written: If the contents octets of an integer value encoding consist of more than one octet, then the bits…
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1 answer

Can't DER encode and BER decode RSA public key

I have problems using Crypto++ to save a RSA public key (that I obtained loading a private key file in PKCS#8 format). When decoding the key, I always get a BERDecodeErr exception. Here is the code I am using: CryptoPP::RSASSA_PKCS1v15_SHA_Signer …
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2 answers

Untagged CHOICE in ASN.1

We are using the JAC ASN.1 Compiler in our (legacy) project and experienced a situation where we received ASN.1 messages we could not parse. I took a look at the parser code and noticed that this is a bug in the library. Since switching to a…
Ingo Bürk
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2 answers

ASN.1 SET type restrictions

I'm confused about the limitations on the ASN.1 SET type. In general, I realize that a SET type is basically the same as a SEQUENCE, except the order of the components doesn't matter. The seminal book on ASN.1, "ASN.1 — Communication Between…
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2 answers

How to create ASN.1 specification file from BER?

We have received a specifications document for CDR encoded in TLV from a vendor and we are trying to build a parser for it. According to them, their CDR is formatted as per ASN.1 BER encoding. However when asked for ASN.1 specification file, they…
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1 answer

How do I pass parameters to the ldapjs exop() function?

I'm trying to use the "Change User's Password" extended operation, as defined in this RFC which states that it takes a sequence of three optional parameters. However, it seems that ldapjs's client.exop() function only allows me to provide it with a…
Scotty Jamison
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1 answer

SNR & BER in GNU Radio

I have to determine the quality of a received signal in gnuradio and for this either I can measure it in terms of bit error or signal to noise (SNR) Can you please tell me which is easier to perform and which of these two parameters' readings will…
New User
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0 answers

Flutter: How to fetch the data related to mobile cellular network from your phone sensors?

I am working on a project and I need to fetch some measurements from mobile sensors, example of these measuremets : RSSI ( received signal strength indicator)in db, BER ( Bit Error Rate) in db, frequency range in Hertz, and if possible nearby…
2 answers

PSK Modulation in GNU Radio in USRP N310

Currently I am working with the Ettus Research's N310 on the implementation of different PSK modulation schemes. I am interested on measuring the Bit Error Rate -BER- for each scheme when I transmit data between two USRPs located one beside the…
0 answers

I can't get an SNMP variable with the specified OID

I am trying to make an snmp agent on Kotlin and Snmp4j. I wrote the following code: class MockAgent(host: String, port: Int) : CommandResponder { var mib: MutableMap = mutableMapOf( …
0 answers

how to write a code that encode each definite and indefinite BER in java

i want to encode BER file in ASN1 structure i found a code that only accepts definite length form. This is the code i found but it didn't help because DER compared to BER is Definite length formed So, how to write a BER Encoding to a BER file…
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2 answers

Decode and parse a file encoded with BER(Basic encoding rules) to output relevant fields to csv without a .asn (ASN.1) schema?

The files I have been given are sample CDR files(Call Detail Records) SGSN / GGSN data format: ASN.1 Basic Encoding Rules (BER). The files have no extensions and I do not have a schema to work with. How can I approach this?
0 answers

Signing a PDF through iText sharp with the use of hash and signature from external web service

I am trying to sign a pdf through an external webservice. The web service receives a SHA-256 hex encoded hash and in when signed the service returns a hex digest signature. At the moment i am stuck trying to use the iText 7 (c#) library trying to…