Questions tagged [backport]

Backporting is the action of either taking a new version of a piece of software and making it available in an older distribution, or taking a certain software modification (patch) and applying it to an older version of the software than it was initially created for.

Backporting forms part of the maintenance step in a software development process and it is commonly used for fixing security issues in older versions of the software.

73 questions
14 answers

How do I return to an older version of our code in Subversion?

I'm working on a project with a friend and I want to return to an older version of our code and set it to be the current. How do I do it? I'm using "anksvn" on vs08. I have the version that I want on my PC, but the commit is failing; The message…
Chen Kinnrot
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1 answer

Has anybody yet backported Lambda Expressions to Java 7?

Reading about what kind of bytecode Java 8 produces from lambdas, it came to my mind the time when Java 5 was released. Back then there was Retroweaver and other tools for converting bytecode compiled with JDK 5 to run on JRE 1.4. Has anybody yet…
Esko Luontola
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14 answers

python 2.7 functools_lru_cache does not import although installed

When I try to import matplotlib I get an error Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/matplotlib/", line 128, in from matplotlib.rcsetup import…
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3 answers

How can I use BitmapRegionDecoder code in android 2.2.2 (Froyo)?

I was reading an answer to a different question on SO, in which @RomainGuy commented that one could (please correct me if I'm paraphrasing incorrectly) back-port code from later versions of android to earlier versions. Specifically, I am interested…
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4 answers

String formatting without index in python2.6

I've got many thousands of lines of python code that has python2.7+ style string formatting (e.g. without indices in the {}s) "{} {}".format('foo', 'bar') I need to run this code under python2.6 which requires the indices. I'm wondering if anyone…
Captain Midday
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3 answers

Using `@unittest.skipIf` with older versions of Python

With the unittest module, I like the feature to skip tests, but it is only available in Python 2.7+. For example, consider import unittest try: import proprietary_module except ImportError: proprietary_module = None class…
Mike T
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2 answers

debugInfoEnabled for Angular 1.2

Angular 1.3 introduced a new debugInfoEnabled() method that can provide a boost in performance if called with false in the application config function: myApp.config(['$compileProvider', function ($compileProvider) { …
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2 answers

"Backporting" nullptr to C++-pre-C++0x programs

More or less what the title suggests. While I'm not yet using C++0x I'd like to be prepared for when it happens, and I'd also like to reduce the amount of code I have to rewrite to use some of its facilities. That way I can get backwards and…
Luis Machuca
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2 answers

Backport Python 3.4's regular expression "fullmatch()" to Python 2

Python 3.4 introduced the new regex method re.fullmatch(pattern, string, flags=0). Has anyone back-ported this new method to older Python versions?
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1 answer

Python enum34 access by name

I am using the Enum backport enum34 with Python 2.7. According to the documentation it should be possible to access enum members by their name, using item access. That is, the following should work: from enum import Enum class Foo(Enum): bar =…
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7 answers

Easy way to backport Java 6 code to Java 5?

We've been developing a windows based application using Java for a while now, but NOW we want to make a mac port and have to reverse of code from Java 6 and Java 5. Is there any easy way to do this rather than re-coding Java 6 specific code? We'd…
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5 answers

Backport Java 5/6 features to Java 1.4?

We are stuck with Java2SE v1.4 till the end of 2010. That's really nasty, but we can't help it. What options do we have to use some of the new features already now? I can think of several ways like changing the bytecode, e.g. using Retrotranslator…
Peter Kofler
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1 answer

Is there a python 2 backport for the concurrency.futures package from python 3

I would like to use the nice executors and threadpooling APIs but I am constrained to a Python 2 environment. I cannot upgrade to Python 3 due to another third party dependency. The closest answer I found is: Concurrent in Python 2
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1 answer

Can I use the secrets module with a version of Python earlier than 3.6?

Python's secrets module was introduced in version 3.6. I'm working on an application using Python 3.4. Is there a way I can import the secrets module in a 3.4 environment (a la from __future__ import print)? If not, is there a 3rd party module with…
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1 answer

Is there a Rails 4 backports library?

Over time, we're upgrading pieces of our Rails 3.2.x application to be Rails 4 compatible. For example, any of our new code is written using strong parameters instead of attr_accessible. We'd like to take a similar approach for features like…
Benjamin Oakes
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