Questions tagged [backport]

Backporting is the action of either taking a new version of a piece of software and making it available in an older distribution, or taking a certain software modification (patch) and applying it to an older version of the software than it was initially created for.

Backporting forms part of the maintenance step in a software development process and it is commonly used for fixing security issues in older versions of the software.

73 questions
1 answer

Cherry-pick changesets between different repos

I have two mercurial repositories, generic and specific, which is a clone of the first repo: $ hg glog -R generic @ changeset: 0:d516ded3bf0a summary: generic project commit $ hg glog -R specific @ changeset: 3:5f7b2efea94b | …
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1 answer

How to backport Android 4.0's switch button to Honeycomb and earlier

I want to use the Switch toggle button (on/off) of Android 4.0 in Android 3.0. I would like to know there is any supported library for it. I have tried to copy the source code of android.widget.Switch from ICS, with no avail. Thanks.
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0 answers

Retrotranslator Maven Plugin does not recognize backport packages on another project

I'm trying to use Retrotranslator Maven Plugin to facilitate development on a pre-JDK1.4 environment. I have a maven module called xyz-core where there is the package that I want to use as a universal backport…
Alex Oliveira
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1 answer

Porting Jelly Bean launcher to GingerBread

When trying to port JB launcher to GB, I've got a lot of errors related to new APIs. I've added support library rev. 9 - and nothing changed, I'm getting about 1 000 errors. Is there a way to backport it without rewriting it's code?
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2 answers

Translating C# Delegates from 2005 Project to C# 2003

I’m trying to compile in VS2003 that MouseTracking project that was made in C# 2005. I’ve got it fixed up except for one line: proc = HookCallback; This gives the error    Method 'MouseTracking.MouseTracker.HookCallback(int, System.IntPtr,…
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2 answers

Queries regarding 'backport-android-bluetooth'

I have started working on android just 1 month back (so please consider my question even if it looks simple). I have my Bluetooth code running on Android 2.2. So I am working on using backport-android-bluetooth to migrate it to Android 1.6 (as I…
Sagar Jadhav
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0 answers

How to do brcmfmac driver backporting?

I have downloaded new code from here( Now after extracting the downloaded code, I am suppose to replace my old code files with the new one and then finally build it(That's what I know). Now the…
0 answers

Building cypress broadcom drivers for Xavier NX using backports

I am trying to build the Xavier NX kernel and include the cypress fmac drivers. Since the kernel version is 4-9 I have to use backports to build the driver modules. But I keep getting errors when building the relevant “.ko” files. I am mainly…
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1 answer

How to backport Python in Yocto build?

I am learning how to compile custom Linux using Yocto. Currently I'm using Yocto Project 2.4 and I have added Python3 to the build. However, Python 3.5.2 was installed and I am interested in a newer version (e.g., Python 3.8.5). The reason I'm using…
Cristian M
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1 answer

running rackup : require backports is depreciated

I'm developping a Sinatra app. Where starting the server with rackup or shotgun, I get this message: Doing `require 'backports'` is deprecated and will not load any backport in the next major release. Require just the needed backports instead, or…
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1 answer

How to enable or backport Bluethooth BLE feature in Linux kernel 3.10.0 version?

I have tried to enable bluetooth LE in my linux kernel version 3.10.0, but could find [*] Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) features in the menuconfig. I am trying to find backport patch for the [*] Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) features to linux kernel…
0 answers

backport-iwlwifi, error: redefinition of rcu_head_init and rcu_head_after_call_rcu

I have [joseluisbz@centos backport-iwlwifi]$ uname -r 4.18.0-193.6.3.el8_2.x86_64 [joseluisbz@centos backport-iwlwifi]$ I was cloning clone Here the complete output of…
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2 answers

Python : Using abc in Python < 2.6

Do someone know an implementation of abc for older versions of Python (older than 2.6) ? EDIT : I am for example looking for a snippet that would do the same thing as ABCMeta and abstractmethod, with same interface, I actually need to make a piece…
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0 answers

ConnectivityManager NullPointerException while backporting an application

I am backporting an Android application from Android 9 to Android 5.1 Now i got to the point that i get the error Process:, PID: 3369 java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to create service…
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0 answers

kernel general protection fault

I am backporting a driver called GTP from 4.9 Linux kernel to 3.18 version. I fixed the errors in the source code of the driver and compiled the kernel successfully. I am also using Ubuntu Server 14.04 to test the kernel with that driver. (There is…