Questions tagged [azure-function-async]

For questions about Azure functions that do operations in an asynchronous manner. If your question is about synchronous Azure functions use the [azure-functions] Tag instead.

43 questions
1 answer

Is ConfigureAwait(false) needed/beneficial when awaiting async calls in Azure Functions

It is generally recommended to use ConfigureAwait(false) when awaiting async calls when context is not required. Just wondering is there any benefit of using ConfigureAwait(false) in Azure Functions. Do Azure Function threads have non-null…
2 answers

Are there benefits to an async function?

Azure functions allows me to write C#/F# (and more) functions which are executed given certain conditions. These functions can be async (by returning a Task). The cool thing about azure functions is that they automatically scale up depending on…
Robin Heggelund Hansen
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async function in an Azure Function

I am getting an error with this javascript function definition in Azure. I am defining this within an Azure function for use by the exported function. async function getData() { var data = await postRequest(); return data; }; Below is the…
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Failing dependency call in Azure Durable Functions

Backgound I have a set of Durable Azure Functions and they are written using the Async pattern, as described here. Problem After studying the logs in app insights I have spotted a recurring failure across all my functions. It's a GET call to the…
0 answers

Python aiohttp Azure Function ClientConnector Error (works locally)

I'm working on a TimerTrigger Azure Function in python that makes pretty heavy use of the aiohttp library to make concurrent requests to a file cache, grab ~8K JSON files, and prepare them to be loaded into a database. I have been able to run the…
2 answers

Azure Function local debugging - how to restrict it to single thread or message?

I have an Azure Service Bus triggered Azure Function. When I run the Azure Function locally, it starts 16 threads and picks up 16 messages in each thread. How can I configure it so that it only runs one message so that I can debug it without the…
0 answers

Connect time-triggered Azure Function with Database using SQL Client

I am connecting time-triggered Azure Function with SQL Server using SQL client but I am not getting any data. Here is my code: local.settings.json: { "IsEncrypted": false, "Values": { "AzureWebJobsStorage": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true", …
1 answer

How to check logs and usage (CPU/RAM/DB) of Azure function written in .NET?

I wrote an Azure function that is triggered every day at 4AM. I published it and it had its first successful run today at 4AM. I am sure that it ran successfully, because it put the expected data in the database. [FunctionName("MyFunction")] public…
Michal B.
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Azure function doesn't return response after async function is complete

I'm trying to develop a function in VS Code that takes an url as input and returns the response after processing is complete. However, when this function is run, it returns nothing. I tried testing similar code in Webstorm and and confirm that it…
2 answers

how to copy files from source folder to destination folder and delete source folder files in azure storage account by using function app

I am able to copy source folder blob to destination folder blob and delete the source blobs how to copy multiple blobs to source to destination folder and delete source blobs when I am copying source blobs to destination folder I am unable to give…
1 answer

Azure Analysis Service Tabular Model connecting to Power BI Service .NetCore Database.Model is null exception

In a Azure Function I have connect to the power bi service and can get a dataset by using the FindByName or GetByName but the Database.Model value is null. Which means i cannot refresh the dataset or update anything. While debugging can see all of…
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Azure function doesn't run async method

I have an Azure Function that doesn't run in Azure. Locally it runs, but in Azure it doesn't. I have a try/catch in place, which doesn't catch any exception, but in the logs I get "2020-07-26T12:23:00.021 [Error] An exception occured." Don't…
1 answer

Azure function timeout

Planning to provision 'Queue triggered' based Azure function on Azure on consumption pricing model. On every invocation of this function it may be expected to run randomly anywhere between 1 min to 30 mins or even longer/shorter, it depends.…
2 answers

Application insights not working with startup DI in Azure Functions

I am trying to log the message from the the Configure class to Application Insights. While the messages are properly logged inside the Run method, but where am adding the polly, Its not sending the message to Appinsights. //am able to log the…
2 answers

How to return 202 Accepted and then continue processing the request in Powershell

How to return 202 Accepted and then continue processing the request in PowerShell. I have a script that runs >3 minutes in azure function app Http Trigger(using PowerShell experimental language). I'm hitting above function using logic app which…
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