Questions tagged [azure-container-service]

Microsoft Azure Container Service (ACS) optimizes the configuration of popular open source tools and technologies specifically for Azure. It allows you to easily create and host clusters of Docker containers in Microsoft Azure using either Docker Swarm or DC/OS for cluster orchestration.

Microsoft Azure Container Service (ACS) optimizes the configuration of popular open source tools and technologies specifically for Azure. It allows you to easily create and host clusters of Docker containers in Microsoft Azure using either Docker Swarm or DC/OS for cluster orchestration.

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389 questions
1 answer

What do 'Masters' and 'Agents ' mean to me in development terms?

We're currently rebuilding our platform into a microservice architecture and we've been looking into Azure Container Service as an infrastructure solution for working with Docker containers, but I'm afraid this stuff is a little out of my wheelhouse…
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Agent VMs of different sizes in Azure Container Service

Is there any way to have VMs of different sizes in the private agents pool of an Azure Container Service (ACS)? I would like to support use cases where some services require compute intensive servers and others (e.g databases) memory intensive…
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why are container agents locked into D2 instances on Azure?

Title says it all... Agent Container serveces are locked into D2 instances when I would like to choose a different size for my containers... Why would it be locked?
Matt Westlake
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Neo4j HA model don't work in docker

I'm trying to run Neo4j in HA mode using Azure Container Service + Docker. To run mode is required HA 3 instances within the same network. I create a network with the command: docker network create --driver = bridge cluster But when trying to…
2 answers

How to create a pipeline to build and release a Docker compose, with Azure Devops using the graphical interface (GUI)

Well, how can I create a pipeline to build and release a Docker compose, with Azure Devops through the graphical interface (GUI) I am not an expert in devops but I have this challenge in my work.
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Is Azure Container Registry multi-region?

We use Azure Container Registry to pull a larger image (~6Gb) to launch a cluster of many instances.. and it takes unusually long to pull the image. We were wondering if Azure Container Registry is a truly multi-region service, or at least has a…
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How to download and read Azure blob container files

I need to download all files from the Azure blob container and then read file one by one to find the sum of all ASCII character values.
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Create an AKS Cluster that has Helm 2 Installed

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) recently upgraded to Helm 3. I love what Helm 3 brings to the table and am excited to use it. But much of the tooling out there (namely Jenkins X) is not ready for Helm 3. Is there a command line option to make an…
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3 answers

AKS has an issue pulling a container image from the ACR

I have an issue with the AKS, Kubernetes cannot pull the image from the ACR, It show the message "unauthorized: authentication required" I already set permissions on the ACR to the AKS Service Principal. It had worked fine until today when I proced…
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Grant AKS access to ACR using PowerShell ARM Cmdlets

I am working on to authenticate with Azure Container Registry from Azure Kubernetes Service using PowerShell by following this link. This is the code I run in the PowerShell. #Sign in using Interactive Mode using your login credentials az…
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How to setup AutoScaling Docker Hosts in Azure Container Service

I want to configure ScaleSets / AutoScaling for Master and Agent Virtual Machines in Azure Container Service for High Availability and Fault Tolerance. Is it automatically taken care by Azure or we need to configure it manually?
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Azure DC/OS cluster. How to change SSH RSA public key

I'm new in Azure and DC/OS. I deployed a DC/OS cluster using the next document: What should I do in case I want change SSH RSA public key which I used in…
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Get-credential command get WinError 10060 - A connection attempt failed

After successfull created the resource group and the cluster ( I checked by portal azure) and succesfully installed azure cli 2.0 on powershell, when i launch az acs kubernetes get-credentials -g my-group -n my-name I always get the error in the…
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Error creating AKS cluster

I get the following error (after about 70 minutes): Deployment failed. Correlation ID: c08a06db-70ea-4ab8-b123-b5b9b736d27f. Internal server error West Europe was the location of the service.
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