Questions tagged [aws-sts]

The AWS Security Token Service (STS) is a web service that lets you grant a trusted user temporary, limited-privilege credentials to access your Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources.


146 questions
4 answers

Quick way to get AWS Account number from the AWS CLI tools?

Looking for a quick way to pull my account number, I had originally thought of using aws iam get-account-authorization-details --max-items 1 but there are several issues with doing it this way. Is there a way to do this that might not cross account…
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5 answers

AWS sts assume role in one command

To assume an AWS role in the CLI, I do the following command: aws sts assume-role --role-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789123:role/myAwesomeRole --role-session-name test --region eu-central-1 This gives to me an output that follows the schema: { …
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1 answer

aws sts get-session-token fails with profile

I'm trying to get a session token in order to set environment variables in order to use a tool which uploads to S3 but doesn't directly support AWS profiles. aws sts get-session-token --profile myprofile Enter MFA code for…
Steve Bennett
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AWS: Amazon Cognito vs STS and SAML

In the official AWS documentation about Cognito, in the outline of a use case is stated that: 1.In the first step your app user signs in through a user pool and receives user pool tokens after a successful authentication. 2.Next, your app…
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aws-sdk upload with STS credentials - 403 error

I've been trying to set up Amazon's STS (Security Token Service) to create temporary credentials for client side uploads to S3. I can get the code working fine with an access key generated from the IAM user, but when I swap out the access key/secret…
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How secret is the session token in AWS temporary security credentials?

I want to generate pre-signed S3 URLs using temporary security credentials (my program is running on an EC2 host that has an IAM role attached with the policies I want). I saw on the docs for how to create a signed request that I am supposed to…
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2 answers

Amazon Bucket Policy for only mobile app access

I have a bucket in Amazon S3 and I set data inside read only for everyone. However, this is not what I want. I would like that data to be accessible only from my mobile application and restrict it to download by url. Is that possible? if so how to…
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1 answer

How to generate AWS credential report for all accounts in an organization

I am looking to generate a AWS credential report for all the accounts under an organization. Is there any way to generate the consolidated report of accounts. I know we can generate a credential report per account (one) under an organization as per…
2 answers

AWS Amplify - CognitoIdentityCredentials is not authorized to perform: sts:AssumeRole on resource

I have an Amplify App using Nuxt. When a user logs in via cognito the app tries to use STS to transfer to another role to get a QuickSight Dashboard Embed Url following this AWS blog post. So I have a role with this policy: { "Version":…
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1 answer

What's the use case for RoleSessionName when assuming a role in AWS and how it affects the performance

I have a scenario in which I want to have access to resources of one account from some other account in AWS (cross-account access). And I want to implement this access in code (NodeJs) implemented as lambda function and also as long-running code on…
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1 answer

InvalidClientTokenId when calling get-caller-identity on an AWS EC2 instance with instance profile

We're having an issue where we're on a CentOS EC2 instance that is using a role through an attached instance profile. When we're on the console after SSHing in, we run the python awscli command line tool to get our identity: $ aws sts…
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1 answer

How to use assume_role_with_web_identity auth for aws-fog S3 storage in Ruby on Rails?

I have kubernetes setup with STS and it works fine with sdk for sqs, sns etc. I need to use STS auth with fog-aws gem to download/list files and I can do it with ruby aws-sdk-s3 but I use carrierwave gem so I am trying to figure it out using…
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1 answer

SignatureDoesNotMatch when overriding STS API endpoint in Terraform

I am running Terraform in AWS region us-west-2 (Oregon) in a private VPC. Because of this I am using VPC endpoints to expose the STS API and am overriding this endpoint in Terraform as follows: provider "aws" { endpoints { sts =…
1 answer

What's the functionality of AWS_SESSION_TOKEN returned from STS API?

aws sts assume-role returns three fields as the issued Temporary Security Credentials. AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS_SESSION_TOKEN The first two are with the same format of a user's Access Key, but the 3rd field, AWS_SESSION_TOKEN,…
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0 answers

AWSSecurityTokenServiceException: Acced denied. User is not authorized to perform sts:AssumeRole

I'm new to aws. I want to generate temporary credentials for aws call. And for that I use example from Making Requests Using IAM User Temporary Credentials - AWS SDK for Java Where I pass String clientRegion = ""; String roleARN =…
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