Questions tagged [aws-cognito]

AWS Cognito (Officially Branded as Amazon Cognito) is a user Authentication and Authorization Service Provided by Amazon Web Services. Should be used on questions related to Amazon Cognito or related services: - Amazon Cognito Sync - Amazon Cognito Federated Identity - Amazon Cognito Your User Pools

AWS Cognito (officially branded as Amazon Cognito) is a user authentication and authorization service provided by Amazon Web Services.

To learn more about the topic and view detailed documentation, visit the AWS website.

734 questions
6 answers

How to modify expiry time of the access and identity tokens for AWS Cognito User Pools

I can't find any documentation which explains if and how to modify the expiry time of access and identity tokens for AWS Cognito User Pools. The documentation specifies that by default expires 1h after the emission. Is there a way to modify the…
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4 answers

Cognito hosted UI

I have been looking into setting up a login for a web app that lets clients view data hosted in S3 and found that AWS Cognito has a hosted web UI [link] that handles most of the authentication flow for me, the issue I am facing is I cannot find out…
5 answers

AWS Cognito username/email login is case-sensitive

Setup I am using AWS Cognito to manage the user registration and user access for my web application. Specifically I am using the Cognito hosted UI. This means that Cognito presents a UI for my users to register, I do not have access to modify the…
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When I try to login using AWS Cognito I get an AccessDeniedException about my custom Lambda trigger

I am calling adminInitiateAuth and getting back a strange AccessDeniedException for my own lambdas. Here is the code I'm calling: var params = { AuthFlow: "ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH", ClientId: "@cognito_client_id@", …
Ryan Shillington
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4 answers

AWS Cognito Authentication USER_PASSWORD_AUTH flow not enabled for this client

I have an mobile app with user pool (username & password). The app works fine with aws-amplify sdk. But, wanted to move the code out to Lambdas. So, I have written the following Lambda using Boto3. Here is Lambda: import boto3 def…
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2 answers

What is a Cognito App Client Secret

At the documentations there's an App Client Secret, but I can't find anywhere its purpose. I see the javascript SDK doesn't use it, I also don't know why, probably because many javascript applications run on the users browser, not a place to expose…
Michel Feinstein
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5 answers

How to use the code returned from Cognito to get AWS credentials?

Right now, I'm struggling to understand AWS Cognito so maybe someone could help me out. I set a domain to serve Cognito's hosted UI for my User Pool like what's described here. So when I go to…
1 answer

AWS Cognito's SMS Multi Factor Authentication returns invalid code or auth state

I am trying to implement authentication built on Cognito using their Go SDK. I have been able to get basic username/password authentication to work, but when I add in 2-factor authentication using SMS I am getting stuck. Steps to reproduce : I…
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4 answers

How to redirect after confirm amazon cognito using confirmation URL?

I want to redirect to a specific url after the user confirmation in amazon cognito. When a user sign up he will get confirmation mail with a verification link as…
3 answers

AWS API Gateway - using Access Token with Cognito User Pool authorizer?

I am configuring an app with various frontends (mobile and web apps) and a single API backend, powered by Lambda and accessed via AWS API Gateway. As I'm planning to use Cognito to authenticate and authorize users, I have set up a Cognito User Pool…
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7 answers

Cognito own domain name required A Record

I am trying to assign an own domain name to a user pool for Cognito and facing an issue that it seems that an A Record is required. In my case i have registered wildcard on my internet domain and am trying to follow the steps as mentioned in…
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8 answers

AWS Api Gateway Authorizer + Cognito User Pool Not Working {"message": "Unauthorized"}

I am trying to use aws api gateway authorizer with cognito user pool. It is working fine when i test using aws api gateway console. But when i try enabling the authorization in the api it says "message": "Unauthorized". Please check below…
Manivannan Guru
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1 answer

AWS Cognito Workflow: Using email alias for primary username

So I am trying to get my head around AWS Cognito but I have hit some walls. So, right now I can register an account, and verify it and sign in. Simple enough. The edge cases are where my walls are. Here's the info I have so far: username's cannot…
AJ Venturella
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2 answers

How could we use GitHub account as an AWS Cognito Identity provider?

By reading Cognito Identity Provider document, I understand that it looks like it provides out-of-box integration with Facebook / Google / Twitter as Identity Providers. My application is a developer focused application so I would like enable users…
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1 answer

Multi-Tenant Authentication with AWS Cognito

My current project is in AWS, using Cognito and microservices with Lambda. We have designed the microservices using DDD and are in the process of implementing basic functionality. However, there is a business need for users of the API to be able to…
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