Questions tagged [aws-sts]

The AWS Security Token Service (STS) is a web service that lets you grant a trusted user temporary, limited-privilege credentials to access your Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources.


146 questions
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How to verify a payload signed using AWS temporary credentials and identify The Principal?

I am implementing a solution on AWS where clients (producers) on-premise are sending messages to AWS SQS queue. AWS IAM temporary credentials are used by AWS to authenticate clients on SQS API calls (Sigv4). The consumer application on AWS that…
1 answer

aws sts maximum number of concurrent tokens

I was wondering is there a maximum limit on concurrent temporary security credentials generated via STS for a specific IAM role. i.e., first user gets these temporary credentials for 12 hours, second one does the same, how scalable is this approach…
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Google Cloud equivalent of Amazon STS

Amazon STS offers the ability to take an IAM token and create a limited subset of the abilities of that token for other use. The subset of abilities can be by time (expiring in N hours) and by allowed operations (e.g. read one S3 bucket but not all…
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AWS assume-role with credentials that last more than an hour

I am setting up our AWS to have multiple accounts, with our IAM users defined in one account and our resources defined in one or more other accounts, with policies set up to allow users to assume roles on the production and staging accounts. I am…
David Ham
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Set ACL while uploading a file to S3 using AWS short term credentials(AWS STS)

I am using AWS STS Federation Token to get temporary credentials, with below statement. Statement putStatement = new Statement(Statement.Effect.Allow) .withId("TempCreds") .withActions(S3Actions.PutObject) .withResources(new…
1 answer

Explicitly expire tokens acquired from AWS Security Token Service

Can I explicitly expire session tokens acquired from AWS STS service using AWS Java SDK?
Anirudh Jayakumar
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AWS - STS how to use AWSSecurityTokenServiceClientBuilder with global region

I used the AWSSecurityTokenServiceClient sts_client = new AWSSecurityTokenServiceClient(), and a default region (Global) was set authomatically. But this constructor is deprcated and the recommendation is to use:…
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Amazon AWS and GetCallerIdentity

I'm working on an AWS project. We want to be able to issue STS temporary security credentials, with limited permissions, in order to access AWS services. We're working in .Net Core with C#. We're using STS AssumeRoleAsync(), which is the .Net SDK's…
1 answer

Using Temporary Credentials giving SignatureDoesNotMatch issue

We are working on s3 browser based multipart file using EvaporateJS, Using pre-signed URL with temperory credentials. Following will be my configuration var amz_headers_common = {}; var amz_headers_at_initiate = {}; var amz_headers_at_upload =…
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1 answer

Why AmazonSTSCredentialsProvider is only in mobile SDK and not in aws-java-sdk

I am working with AWS Assume role access logic. For that I am trying to get new temporary credentials before previous one is expired. I found AmazonSTSCredentialsProvider is doing this logic. But this is present ony in mobile SDK not in java SDK. Is…
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Using AWS (S3) via jclouds - how to assume role

When using plain auth credentials I can do: ContextBuilder.newBuilder("aws-s3").credentials(keyId, key).buildView(BlobStoreContext.class); ... to access BlobStoreContext for S3. In native Amazon java api I can use Security Token Service (STS) to…
Eugene Loy
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2 answers

How to check if an AWS STS access token is valid

I have a lambda function that uses AWS STS to generate temporary credentials and then sends the access token via HTTP to a Web API in an EC2 instance. Is there a way to validate the received access token from the API?
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2 answers

Access AWS session token from profile with DefaultCredentialsProvider

My AWS profile in ~/.aws/credentials contains session credentials created by STS. [default] aws_session_token=XXX aws_access_key_id=XXX aws_secret_access_key=XXX I am trying to access these credentials using the AWS SDK Java v2 Using the…
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Ways to find out how soon the AWS session expires?

Prerequisites I have a script that works with AWS but does not deal with credentials explicitly. It just calls AWS API, expecting the credentials to be there according to default credentials provider chain. In fact, the wrapper that calls this…
Vlad Nikiforov
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1 answer

DynamoDB access management cross-account cross-region

I have this situation: A dynamoDB table in region X account A and a Lambda function in region Y account B. and I want to write to that dynamoDB table using the lambda function. What I did so far: add a role in account B with the policy for using…
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