Questions tagged [aws-rds-data-service]

Questions related to AWS RDS data service API (Aurora Serverless)

Amazon RDS provides an HTTP endpoint to run SQL statements on an Amazon Aurora Serverless DB cluster. See

32 questions
4 answers

AWS RDS Data API executeStatement not return column names

I'm playing with the New Data API for Amazon Aurora Serverless Is it possible to get the table column names in the response? If for example I run the following query in a user table with the columns id, first_name, last_name, email, phone: const…
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1 answer

How to achieve consistent read across multiple SELECT using AWS RDS DataService (Aurora Serverless)

I'm not sure how to achieve consistent read across multiple SELECT queries. I need to run several SELECT queries and to make sure that between them, no UPDATE, DELETE or CREATE has altered the overall consistency. The best case for me would be…
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How to format an RDSDataService batchExecuteStatement for an update query with parameters?

I'm using the RDSDataService.batchExecuteStatement to update records in a postgres database. I'm struggling with understanding how the query parameter should be formatted for an update query. The insert query is very straight forward and the…
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Is it possible to use SQLAlchemy with AWS RDS Data API?

AWS Recently launched the Data API. This simplifies creating Lambda functions, eliminating the necessity for additional complexity by allowing API calls, instead of direct database connections. I'm trying to use SQLAlchemy in an AWS Lambda Function,…
1 answer

What is the downstream effect of changing AWS RDS instance default time Zone from UTC to EST?

We are using UTC time Zone as default in AWS RDS instance. All mysql databases are running in RDS instance following UTC. But based on the requirement I need to change UTC to EST so all DBs are running in EST. This is a trading platform and we…
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How to access secret manager with boto3 and rds-data

In a chalice route, I'm using boto3 to execute queries against my RDS Aurora Serverless DB cluster. This works as expected locally ($ chalice local) but when deployed on Lamdba I receive the error: An error occurred (BadRequestException) when…
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AWS AppSync cannot access Aurora Serverless Postgres Cluster via VTL resolvers anymore

It seems like there was some kind of breaking change and now AWS AppSync cannot access Aurora Serverless Postgres Cluster via VTL resolvers anymore. Following even the simplest examples like this…
1 answer

Boto3 rds-data continueAfterTimeout not supported in Aurora Serverless?

I am trying to use AWS rds-data api to perform some heavy etl in aurora Serverless Postgresql. As per AWS Rds DATA documentation, By default, a call times out if it's not finished processing within 45 seconds. However, you can continue running a…
Manuel G
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What format should the secret-string take to connect to an Aurora Postgres database using AWS data api?

First, everything I am doing is from the CLI. I don't have permissions to use the web interface. I am trying to make a call to an existing Aurora Postrgres database using the AWS data api. I am following the directions on this…
1 answer

Catching and Parsing AWS RDSDataService exceptions

I am using RDSDataService in a lambda to execute queries in an Aurora Serverless DB. It's all good when everything runs fine, but when there is an error running the query I get something like this An error occurred (BadRequestException) when…
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AWS Lambda times out when calling RDS Serverless

I have a VPC with two ISOLATED subnets, one for my RDS Serverless cluster, and one for my Lambda functions. But my Lambda functions all timeout when they're calling my RDS. My question is; is this VPC + isolated subnets a working structure for API…
0 answers

RDS Connection being in idle state. Airflow Celery worker

I am using airflow 1.10.9 and celery worker. I have dags which run whenever task comes and it spins up new ec2 instance and it connects to RDS on the basis of logic but ec2 holds the connection even when there no task is running and it keeps holding…
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Best practices to escape string in AWS RDS DataService with Aurora postgres serverless

I read from: The RDSDataService client also supports parameterized queries by allowing you to use placeholder parameters in SQL…
1 answer

Getting an Aurora Serverless Cluster ARN in CloudFormation (Output)

I am having trouble retrieving the ARN for a new RDS Aurora Serverless cluster inside a CloudFormation template. Can someone please advise on what reference the output value should be below? Resources: RDSCluster: Type: AWS::RDS::DBCluster …
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How do I paginate my mysql query using AWS rds-data using boto3 and AWS-aurora?

I am querying AWS Aurora (MySQL) serverless from AWS Lambda using Boto3. I want to query a table that has more than 10k records. My query can fetch records more than 7k. Now how can I paginate this data, on database level or Lambda level, so that I…
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