Questions tagged [aws-aurora-serverless]

For questions specific to the usage and features of Amazon Aurora Serverless. When using this tag also include the more generic [aws-aurora] tag.

Amazon Aurora Serverless is an on-demand, auto-scaling configuration for Amazon Aurora (MySQL-compatible and PostgreSQL-compatible editions), where the database will automatically start up, shut down, and scale capacity up or down based on your application's needs. It enables you to run your database in the cloud without managing any database instances. It's a simple, cost-effective option for infrequent, intermittent, or unpredictable workloads.

AWS Aurora Serverless

131 questions
4 answers

Creating an Aurora Serverless Cluster from cloudformation?

From Aurora Serverless's document, there are 3 ways to create an Aurora serverless DB cluster: AWS management console, CLI, and RDS API. ( Form my understanding,…
1 answer

Connecting to Aurora Serverless remotely

I have an Aurora Serverless db cluster running MySQL. I'm trying to write an application that takes a string from a script and puts it onto the database. I've been able to successfully connect to the cluster using my ec2 in PuTTY, a node program on…
2 answers

How to connect an on-premises application to AWS Aurora Serverless

We have a bunch of on-premises applications each running their own local MySQL servers. Our workload is light, with occasional bursts of activity (a B2B business model with some specific times of the month in which it is more profitable to use our…
Chris Browne
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2 answers

Amazon aurora postgres serverless: Database returned more than the allowed response size limit

We are exploring aurora serverless as a database storage for one of our project. While doing the POC to fetch events from aurora serverless cluster we are receiving "Database returned more than the allowed response size limit" exception. Is there…
1 answer

How to achieve consistent read across multiple SELECT using AWS RDS DataService (Aurora Serverless)

I'm not sure how to achieve consistent read across multiple SELECT queries. I need to run several SELECT queries and to make sure that between them, no UPDATE, DELETE or CREATE has altered the overall consistency. The best case for me would be…
2 answers

Python Connect to AWS Aurora Serverless MySQL Using SQLAlchemy

Is there a way to specify my connection with SQLAlchemy to an AWS RDS Aurora Serverless MySQL database instance without a Secrets Manager ARN? I have the database username, password, endpoint, ARN, etc., and ideally I would initialize an engine,…
3 answers

Export from Aurora Serverless into S3

I am currently trying to export a .csv file from AWS Aurora Serverless with a MySQL Engine to AWS S3. This works perfectly fine when using an Instance backed Aurora but not with the serverless. I set up IAM Policies for the S3 as written in the…
1 answer

Is there any mock(or local) service of aurora serverless Data Api?

I have replaced the way to connect Database from lambda function. Previously, the function established a connection to RDS using MySQL module and query via 3306 port. Currently, I tried to use Data API and I have finished to replace all codes…
4 answers

Aurora Serverless password rotation setup using CloudFormation (and Lambda rotation templates)

AWS has Fully Configured and Ready-to-Use Rotation Support for some supported RDS engines, including Amazon Aurora (Serverless also?) I'm trying to setup the password rotation in my CloudFormation template using AWS::SecretsManager::RotationSchedule…
1 answer

RDS Serverless - Slow warm up?

I'm not sure if this is intended or I configured it incorrectly. I set up my Aurora Serverless PostgreSQL Database to pause after 5 min of inactivity. Problem is, everytime I try to access it after it has paused, it takes almost 1 minutes for the…
1 answer

AWS Aurora Serverless RdsDataClient unicode problem

I'm using latest AWSRDSData client for running queries on my Aurora-MySQL database. The schema and table charsets are utf8mb4 and collation is utf8mb4_turkish_ci; When I insert rows via MySQL workbench, there's no problem with unicode characters but…
0 answers

Proper way to escape a semicolon in AWS Aurora Query Editor?

I am currently trying to insert some data into an AWS Aurora serverless instance through the query editor and I am finding my INSERT query crashes since it contains a semicolon. An usual approach in MySQL dbs is to change the delimiter, however this…
Osvaldo Mercado
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1 answer

Are there Node.js examples for how to connect to AWS Aurora Serverless PostgreSQL via Lambda

I've set up an AWS Aurora Serverless PostgreSQL DB. I've also got API Gateway running endpoints to Lambda functions. Right now the Lambda functions are connecting to DynamoDB, but RDS is going to work better for my use case. I've scoured the…
Aaron Austin
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2 answers

Not able connect Amazon Aurora Serverless from SQL client

Today I've created Amazon Aurora Serverless cluster for PostGreSql in us-west-2, ensured the VPC and security groups in a way that, it should be publicly accessibly. But I'm not able to connect that cluster using the aurora endpoint from my…
Always Sunny
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2 answers

Database name in an AWS Arora Postgres Serverless cluster

I have created a new Arora Serverless PostgreSQL cluster and I am trying to use the Query Editor. What do I enter in the Database Name text field? Where do I find the name of the database? Is it the same are the cluster name? Note: I have enables…
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