Questions tagged [aws-rds-data-service]

Questions related to AWS RDS data service API (Aurora Serverless)

Amazon RDS provides an HTTP endpoint to run SQL statements on an Amazon Aurora Serverless DB cluster. See

32 questions
2 answers

Python how to parse output of Amazon RDS Data Service

I'm struggling to parse output of ExecuteStatement action using Amazon RDS Data service Documentation is very poor and I can't find any meaningful examples. I'm…
2 answers

how to load data from AWS RDS to Google BigQuery in streaming mode?

how to load data from AWS RDS to Google BigQuery in streaming mode? Description: I have data in RDS (SQL Server), and wanted to load this data into Google BigQuery in real-time.
1 answer

AWS API to query RDS database

Is there any API to query a standard AWS RDS without using an SQL client? I see that there is a data API available for serverless Aurora databases ( but it doesn't work for…
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Passing in IAM credentials when using the Aurora Serverless Data API?

I am trying to figure out how to pass in static IAM AWS credentials when using the AWS Data API to interact with an Aurora Serverless db. I am using the AWS Python Boto library and I read data from a table like this (which by default uses the…
1 answer

RDSdataService execute_statement returns (BadRequestException)

I am using boto3 library with executeStatement to get data from an RDS cluster using DATA API. Query is working fine if i select 1 or 2 columns but as soon as I select another column to query, it returns an error with (BadRequestException) …
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ERROR: subquery must return only one column in PostgreSQL

I'm trying to write a select statement that requires the stored procedure in PostgreSQL. But, it fails by this error: ERROR: subquery must return only one column. The query is as follow: select( (select 'q1_parasiticide_carton_rebate' as…
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Export oracle database version with expdp Release

I am trying to export a database dump from an AWS RDS oracle instance to my localhost. I have created a network link thus: create database link RDS_LINK connect to identified by using…
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AWS Aurora serverless DataApi access using custom http call (curl)

I am trying to use aurora serverless data API feature to reduce the db connection time in my serverless application. But building client is taking time. I would like to call rds HTTP service via lambda to get/post data. I came across some was posts…
1 answer

Data Factory V2 Error Code 2200 on Data issue while pulling data from AWS RDS to DataFactory (Azure mysql)

I'm using these doc's to configure the complete set up was done but when I'm running the pipeline to copy the data this…
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Need to setup Connection Pooling properties for PostgreSQL in Maven project

My Application is serverless J2EE application and it is using AWS lambda for running. We have connection pool setup for Oracle in our application in which ojdbc driver and ucp for connection pool is being used, now we are migrating from Oracle to…
0 answers

Test Execution Error in Lambda RDS Data API for Javascript

I am trying to connect the AWS Lambda with SQL query to an AWS RDS (MySQL) using the Data API and return the query result for a user with a particular id. This is how the handler looks like: 'use strict'; const AWS = require('aws-sdk') const RDS =…
1 answer

Increase the 1000 limit for aws lambda results count from execute_sql using rds-data or use a different package?

I have been using AWS aurora with python lambda function for executing queries for our application. The lambda functions works great, but returns only top 1000 results not all. I tried increasing the limit to 5000 by using paginators, couldn't find…
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3 answers

AWS RDS performance is very very low

There are two databases, AWS RDS and Digitalocean $ 5 VPS. I imported the same .sql file to both databases, the performance difference between them is almost 66000% select count(special_cargo_id) from special_cargos; AWS RDS elapsed time =…
1 answer

Load balancing Or Read replica in AWS RDS

The MVC application is in EC2 and interacting with RDS ( SQL Server). The application is sending Bulk GET request (API call) to RDS via NHibernate to get the items. The application performance is very slow as sometimes it’s making around 500…
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Is there a way to increase number of connection to AWS RDS

I have an Excel file with 10 records. These records are getting updated into a SQL Server database using an AJAX call. This is working fine. However, when the number of records increases to 100, I get an error Alert message “an error has occurred…
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