Questions tagged [aws-codebuild]

Describes Amazon Web Services CodeBuild questions and answers. Scope should be limited to AWS CodeBuild.

AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed build service that compiles source code, runs tests, and produces software packages that are ready to deploy. With CodeBuild, you don’t need to provision, manage, and scale your own build servers. CodeBuild scales continuously and processes multiple builds concurrently, so your builds are not left waiting in a queue. You can get started quickly by using prepackaged build environments, or you can create custom build environments that use your own build tools. With CodeBuild, you are charged by the minute for the compute resources you use.

961 questions
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AWS Codepipeline with Codebuild FAILS in ap-southeast-2 WORKS in eu-west-1

I execute the command aws cloudformation deploy on templates that create an AWS::CodeBuild::Project resource to be used in a AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline resource in the same template BUT I get the following error: CREATE_FAILED…
2 answers

AWS CodeBuild - Unable to find DockerFile during build

Started playing with AWS CodeBuild. Goal is to have a docker images as a final results with the nodejs, hapi and sample app running inside. Currently i have an issue with: "unable to prepare context: unable to evaluate symlinks in Dockerfile path:…
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Simple Continuous Deliver procedure for docker in aws

I am using AWS Code Pipeline, Code Build to create a new Docker container and push it to ECR. My application is a simple straight forward single Container based. What would be less friction approach to pull down current running Container and…
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How to setup aws codepipeline with aws code commit + aws code build + elastic beanstalk ? without jenkins , teamcity or any other 3rd party tool?

How can I setup aws codepipeline with aws code commit + aws code build + elastic beanstalk without using jenkins, teamcity or any other 3rd party tool?
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Karma fails to run PhantomJS unit tests on AWS CodeBuild but works locally

I've got an AngularJS project I'm putting together. The app runs and executes normally. The tests run and execute ... locally. When I do the build on AWS CodeBuild, I get the following errors in my log: [Container] 2017/01/17 21:54:36 [21:54:36]…
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connection timeout to codebuild project invoked by lambda function in python

I have a simple lambda function in python that invokes the codebuild project: import json, boto3, time def handler(event, context): print(event) # execute the testsuite (by triggering a codebuild project which executes the soapui TestSuite) …
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Is it possible to run local servers on AWS-CodeBuild?

Good Morning, I'm using CodeBuild to test my application, I was wondering if its possible to run a local Server inside a build. I create a NPM script to start a local server, but every time I ran de tests, the CodeBuild pass through the command…
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Does aws codebuild support application?

Trying to build and publish Core) application using aws CodeBuild. Does aws codebuild support traditional .net application? Gone through older thread on stackoverflow but still not clear. Tried with sample application on aws…
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How to run the bash when we trigger docker run command without -it?

I have a Dockerfile as follow: FROM centos RUN mkdir work RUN yum install -y python3 java-1.8.0-openjdk java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel tar git wget zip RUN pip install pandas RUN pip install boto3 RUN pip install pynt WORKDIR ./work CMD ["bash"] where i…
1 answer

Is there a way to upgrade nodejs 10 in an AWS CodeBuild managed image?

I need nodejs runtime in AWS CodeBuild. I have tried substituting the v10.16.0 which comes packaged with codebuild with v11.14.0 but when I check node -v output it still shows as 10.16.0. Can anyone help me fix this ? TIA.
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Default IP of AWS Codebuild

Our team is trying to use the AWS code-build to run selenium testing. We were able to deploy and up the backend (Gunicorn) and frontend (nginx) and used a custom Docker image. However, we we're not able to access the URL of our Web App. In my local…
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Unable to specify buildsec.yml path in codebuild

S3 is my source for codebuild, i am passing zip file. buildspec.yml is inside zip file, how do i pass the path for codebuild in buildspec configuration.
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pytest on AWS CodeBuild givers Error : E NameError: name 'add_numbers' is not defined

I am using AWS CodeBuild to execute unit test on my python code. When i execute project in CodeBuild , it completes successfully but unit tests are not executed properly. It gives Error E NameError: name add_numbers' is not defined add_numbers is…
2 answers

Serverless Deploy From another Directory

Here is my root folder and i want to deploy AWS Lambda functions to codecommit from the Backend folder. Therefore i wrote this command, but AWS CodeBuild gives this error (This command can only be run in a Serverless service directory). version:…
1 answer

Kubectl codepipeline

I am getting "Response Status: 401 Unauthorized" error while deploying kubectl via codebuild. Can someone help? Logs snippets: I0804 12:13:45.711701 43 round_trippers.go:383] GET…
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