Questions tagged [aws-code-deploy]

AWS CodeDeploy is a service that automates code deployments to Amazon EC2 instances.

AWS CodeDeploy is a service that automates code deployments to Amazon EC2 instances. AWS CodeDeploy makes it easier for you to rapidly release new features, helps you avoid downtime during deployment, and handles the complexity of updating your applications. You can use AWS CodeDeploy to automate deployments, eliminating the need for error-prone manual operations, and the service scales with your infrastructure so you can easily deploy to one EC2 instance or thousands.

855 questions
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Terminating an AWS Code Deployment with Java jar return value

I have an aws instance running with webservices that I want to test with a java application running JUnit. If I have a script that runs the jar during the validate services step of the code deploy process how does the code deployment handle the…
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Duplicate permission setting instructions

I'm trying to use CodeDeploy's permission handling stuff to deploy a Laravel app but I'm constantly getting a message saying /home/tether/storage/app has duplicate permissions. To my eyes, it looks like the except should make it only one…
adam goucher
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Codedeploy with AWS ASG

I have configured an aws asg using ansible to provision new instances and then install the codedeploy agent via "user_data" script in a similar fashion as suggested in this question: Can I use AWS code Deploy for pulling application code while…
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How to force a "sync CodeDeploy" on EC2 machine with agent?

I have a machine with a Cloud-Init initialization script that is installing the CodeDeploy agent. I would like the during the initialization I could start some services deployed with the package. Is there a way to do this ?
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AWS code deploy agent not able to install?

Hi i am trying to install code deploy agent in my ec2 agent but not able to succeed I m following below steps sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install awscli sudo apt-get install ruby2.0 cd /home/ubuntu sudo aws s3 cp…
1 answer

Has anyone successfully used codedeploy on Ubuntu?

I'm trying to to use AWS codedeploy on ubuntu. The Agent does not start. Here's what the Userdata looks like: "UserData" : { "Fn::Base64" : { ... "# Install the AWS CodeDeploy Agent.\n", …
Val K
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Deploy a java web application using AWS codeDeploy

I have a java web application, which has two layers( business layer and presentation layer both layers has their own war files). I want to deploy this into AWS using AWS CodeDeploy.and I am using RDS MySQL as database. can anyone tell me how can I…
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AWS CodeDeploy error with bundler: opt/codedeploy-agent/Gemfile not found

when I call bundle install as a AfterInstall hook, I get the error: "opt/codedeploy-agent/Gemfile not found" Any ideas what the issue might be?
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Can CodeDeploy be used with a stand alone Git server?

Does anyone know if it's possible to make CodeDeploy work with a generic Git server rather than GitHub or S3?
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2 answers

How to deploy existing app with CodeDeploy on a new EC2 instance

I use CodeShip to deploy my app to AWS EC2 instances when a new app version is out. CodeShip first packages my app into .zip and puts it in S3. Each deployment package is being generated with different file name. When I deploy with CodeShip, they…
1 answer

Deploy Django Code with Docker to AWS EC2 instance without ECS

Here is my setup. My Django code is hosted on Github I have docker setup in my EC2 Instance My deployment process is manual. I have to run git pull, docker build and docker run on every single code change. I am using a dockerservice account to…
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AWS Code Deploy Deployment Failed "ScriptFailed"

I am using code deploy to deploy project deployment failed and this is the event log Event Logs Event details Error code ScriptFailed Script name scripts/stop_service Message " Script at specified location: scripts/stop_service run as…
1 answer

could not run codedeployagent on windows 10

I am following this note: however could not run AWS CodeDeployAgent on Windows 10 machine. Log file: 2019-11-23T20:28:51 INFO …
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Steps to deploy to an ec2 instance using Jenkins

What are the steps to deploy to an ec2 instance using Jenkins. I am new to this field and completely confused.
1 answer

Use latest ECS task revision for CodeDeploy

I have an ECS setup with a service that runs a node application. On deploy, the latest task revision is not used for deployment. Where do I specify this?
John Mike
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