Questions tagged [aws-code-deploy]

AWS CodeDeploy is a service that automates code deployments to Amazon EC2 instances.

AWS CodeDeploy is a service that automates code deployments to Amazon EC2 instances. AWS CodeDeploy makes it easier for you to rapidly release new features, helps you avoid downtime during deployment, and handles the complexity of updating your applications. You can use AWS CodeDeploy to automate deployments, eliminating the need for error-prone manual operations, and the service scales with your infrastructure so you can easily deploy to one EC2 instance or thousands.

855 questions
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Unable to specify buildsec.yml path in codebuild

S3 is my source for codebuild, i am passing zip file. buildspec.yml is inside zip file, how do i pass the path for codebuild in buildspec configuration.
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AWS Code deploy without appspec.yml

We are successfully using code deploy for deployment , however we have a request from client to separate deployment script repository and code repository , right now code repository contains the appspec.yml and other script which need to be run and…
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Error installing CodeDeploy Agent on AWS EC2

When installing the CodeDeploy Agent on my newly created EC2 instance (Ubuntu 14.04), I ran into an error with rpm as I was following the steps on the Install or Reinstall the AWS CodeDeploy Agent guide. Commands: wget…
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Can I use AWS Codedeploy along with Jenkins for this use case?

I am exploring the approach of using Jenkins to trigger the build process and bring the required git branch to an Amazon S3 bucket and then trigger an AWS Codedeploy deployment to take it from there to deploy on the relevant instances. Architecture…
Sandeepan Nath
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Exploring tools to trigger build script to rollout specific git branch to a subset of the amazon ec2 instances

We have multiple amazon ec2 instances behind a load balancer. Our build script is written in phing and is integrated with git. We are looking for a tool (like Jenkins or Amazon code deploy) which could display all the active instances currently…
Sandeepan Nath
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1 answer

How to perform a variable substitution for an appsettings.json file in AWS CodeDeploy?

I spent some time recently seeing if I could get my Azure Devops .NET Core-based pipelines "translated" to AWS CodeDeploy (our web infrastructure is in AWS), but for the life of me I cannot figure out how to update the appsettings.json files with…
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AWS cli create deployment without appspec file

Is there a way to run AWS Codedeploy without the use of an appspec.yml file? I am looking for a way to create a 100% purely command line way of running create-deployment without the use of any yml files in S3 bucket
Moses Liao GZ
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Could not deploy code in ec2 using s3 bitbucket

The overall deployment failed because too many individual instances failed deployment, too few healthy instances are available for deployment, or some instances in your deployment group are experiencing problems.
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how to Deploy my repository in bitbucket to AWS with CodeDeploy?

I have a repository in bitbucket. now I want to deploy it to my aws EC2 instance using amazon can I do that? what steps should I follow?
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AWS code deploy error before install

I am getting following error while deploying using code deploy agent /opt/codedeploy-agent/deployment-root/6d3f114b-72a9-4d1a-9d65-1227b6839916/d-FWIG1AI1M/deployment-archive/appspec.yml The problem is the appspec.yml gets created in folder inside…
1 answer

AWS CodeDeploy and git rm

I have removed some files from my git repo and pushed the changes and deployed using AWS CodeDeploy. When I logged into the EC2 instance, there are new files corresponding to the latest commit but the deleted files still exist. Is this behaviour…
2 answers

ASP.NET5 MVC6 Deploy on Amazon (AWS) - unable to deploy properly

I am trying to deploy ASP.NET5 MVC6 web application on to Amazon Web Services via Code Deploy. The problem is I have no idea where to place the appspec.yml and before-install.bat file as the has been a change in the folder structure with ASP.NET5…
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How to download website files and db from an amazon EC2 instance?

I have a website that is hosted on amazon's EC2 service, and I need to download all the website files and database(s) locally. How can I do this? Also I don't have an S3 storage with amazon, everything is in a EC2 instance.
1 answer

Github to Aws code deploy

Can anybody please guide me how to easily deploy code from github to aws using aws cpde deploy ? I gave tried my best to deploy my code and it is not working as it gives error every time it launch deploy revision.
1 answer

SSIS and Bamboo Integration using Bit Bucket

I want to deploy an SSIS package to SQL Server SSDB cataglog, using Bamboo Continuous integration, i am using Bitbucket as repository. Can anyone help me get started ...
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