Questions tagged [audio-processing]

Audio processing involves the study of mathematical and signal processing techniques to understand or alter the nature of audio signals. The different kind of audio signals under study include speech, music, environmental audio and computer audio. Audio is analyzed in the temporal or spectral domain by applying various filters.

473 questions
1 answer

matlab to android conversion to calculate energy

I have to convert a matlab code into Android. This matlab code contains energy calculation as shown below: first I read the audio file into matrix x, and the sample frequency into fs, and then calculate the energy for each window: [x, fs] =…
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How to process VUMeter on VSTGUI?

I'm on Xcode 4.5 and can't get a simple VU Meter working on VSTGUI. I found no documentation for how to send values from the process loop to the CVuMeter Function. I opened a thread at KVR a time ago: VUMETER and GUI The code I used, works good,…
1 answer

How to modify a recorded voice to playback and sound "funny" in iOS?

I am creating one application which requires recording voice and then funny voice will play. Is there any library to use this work function better?
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Downsample a wave file

I need to downsample a 16000 hz PCM 16 bit wave file to 8000 hz. I dont have much knowledge(almost no) on audio processing, i just understand bits, bytes, shifting etc as all programmers understand. It is a Windows Phone application. What do you…
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2 answers

Transfer and extract message by Audio signal in Android

I do research about audio processing and have a big problem to solve. Is it possible to transfer a text message or binary stream(10101010) by embedding it into audio signal, broadcasting it so that other android devices can record that sound and…
1 answer

Generating a sound using two channel in MATLAB

I am trying to create a sound using two channels. I send two signals with different frequencies. I am trying to do it without the Data Acquisition Toolbox. It is possible to do it?
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Is real time communication in matlab possible?

I am doing audio steganography using dsk TMSC6713. i want to send the message using dsk in real time to a PC, then do all processing and serial communication between the sender and receiver PC in real time using matlab and listen to the sent message…
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Applying LFO on a signal in Matlab

I want a LFO to be a 6Hz sine wave that will modify the amplitude of the original signal by +/- 2db. [y, Fs] = wavread('input.wav'); t = 0:1/Fs:(length(y)-1)/Fs; y1 = y .* 1.584893.*sin(2*pi*6*t); wavwrite(y1,Fs,'output.wav'); is that going to do…
1 answer

Preprocessing audio in android Speech Input recognizer

I'm doing some basic command recognition and using Google Search Input API for that. However I want to capture audio myself, preprocess the audio (denoise, boost amplitude, etc), send those modified audio to the recognizer and obtaining results. Is…
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Configure buffer list to store non-interleaved audio data?

I've got a callback from which I am attempting to capture audio from a remote I/O unit in an audio graph. Inside of my callback I have an AudioBufferList in an AudioUnitRender function that I need to store non-interleaved data from two…
Orpheus Mercury
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0 answers

How to connect to Asterisk ConfBridge for audio exchange using c++ stack?

I am trying to solve the problem of audio bridging between my audio server and Asterisk. So, I have the audio room at my audio server. On the other side, I want people to be able to join my audio room with SIP. I use Asterisk now and the ConfBridge…
Ivan Dubynets
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1 answer

Matlab : audio extract feature and neural nerwork

I have a 50 wav file of glass break sound and 50 wav file sound of normal sound. All the sound file duration is 1 second. Then I need to classify the sound using neural network. How can I extract the sound file and what neural network should i…
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How to get the lengh of a tone in scipy?

I have a signal with several tones and want to know where a given tone starts and where it ends. At first, I am applying a band pass filter and transform the signal (fft) in order to know if the recording has the tone. Now, I get the filtered signal…
1 answer

Audio/speech processing (with python's pymedia library) support in Robot Framework for automation

After a bit of research on the available automation frameworks for python, I find that Robot Framework fits almost all my requirements, except that it has not listed pymedia, tkSnack (on which my scripts are based) in any of the (built-in or…
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1 answer

FFT Plot of an Audio Signal - MATLAB

I'm using MATLAB to plot a recorded sound using the FFT. I want to take the log of the y-axis but I don't know what I did if correct. Currently, my FFT plotting code looks like this: nf=1024; %number of point in DTFT Y = fft(y,nf); f =…
Hasan Haj
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