Questions tagged [audio-processing]

Audio processing involves the study of mathematical and signal processing techniques to understand or alter the nature of audio signals. The different kind of audio signals under study include speech, music, environmental audio and computer audio. Audio is analyzed in the temporal or spectral domain by applying various filters.

473 questions
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AVFoundation audio processing using AVPlayer's MTAudioProcessingTap with remote URLs

There is precious little documentation on AVAudioMix and MTAudioProcessingTap, which allow processing to be applied to the audio tracks (PCM access) of media assets in AVFoundation (on iOS). This article and a brief mention in a WWDC 2012 session…
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Python find audio frequency and amplitude over time

Here is what I would like to do. I would like to find the audio frequency and amplitude of a .wav file at every say 1ms of that .wav file and save it into a file. I have graphed frequency vs amplitude and have graphed amplitude over time but I…
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playing low frequency heartbeat signal through mobile speaker

I am making an app to listen to heartbeat . I could listen to filtered heartbeat signal through headset but not through mobile speaker as the mobile speaker doesn't support such low frequencies , I tried frequency shifting , but it results in a…
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Modify volume gain on audio sample buffer

I want to increase a volume on buffer with voice data. The point is I'm using DirectSound and I have one primary and one secondary buffer - all streams mixing is done by hand. In a voice chat all participants can have independent volume levels. I…
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Can I measure distances with sound in an android app?

I've got a number of questions this time, although they all relate to the same problem: I wanted to build a rudimentary sonar in Android, and have no clue as to how possible it is to do such a thing. Is it something that can work reasonably…
Carlos Vergara
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Verizon SongID - How is it programmed?

For anyone not familiar with Verizon's SongID program, it is a free application downloadable through Verizon's VCast network. It listens to a song for 10 seconds at any point during the song and then sends this data to some all-knowing algorithmic…
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2 answers

What kind of sound processing algorithm allows you to make visualizations like this?

I'm interested in making an OpenGL visualizer for MP3's as a pet project. I stumbled upon this youtube video which demonstrates someone showing off a visualizer being used in conjunction with Augmented…
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6 answers

extracting a specific melody/beat/rhythm from a specific instument from a mixed wave (or other music format) file

Is it possible to write a program that can extract a melody/beat/rhythm provided by a specific instument in a wave (or other music format) file made up of multiple instruments? Which algorithms could be used for this and what programming language…
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Transforming Audio Samples From Time Domain to Frequency Domain

as a software engineer I am facing with some difficulties while working on a signal processing problem. I don't have much experience in this area. What I try to do is to sample the environmental sound with 44100 sampling rate and for fixed size…
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4 answers

AVAudioPlayer rate

So I'm trying to play a sound file at a different rate in iOS 5.1.1, and am having absolutely no luck. So far I have tried setting the rate of the AVAudioPlayer: player = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:referenceURL…
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4 answers

Python NumPy - FFT and Inverse FFT?

So I've been working with FFT, and I'm currently trying to get a sound waveform from a file with FFT, (modify it eventually), but then output that modified waveform back to a file. I've gotten the FFT of the soundwave and then used an inverse FFT…
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Analyzing audio to create Guitar Hero levels automatically

I'm trying to create a Guitar-Hero-like game (something like this) and I want to be able to analyze an audio file given by the user and create levels automatically, but I am not sure how to do that. I thought maybe I should use BPM detection…
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Help with implementing this beat-detection algorithm?

I recently tried to implement a beat detection code found here, namely the Derivation and Combfilter algorithm #1:: Im not too sure if I implemented it successfully as…
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Does Julia have support for audio processing

I want to play around with audio at low level. I want functionality such as reading mp3 files and creating audio files (with both channels independently controllable). The ability to listen to generated audio in the code notebook (I am using Pluto)…
1 answer

why my 8kHz wav file's mel feature extracted differently in sr = 16kHz and 44.1kHz

I'm currently extracting mel features from my baby cry sound dataset and the wav files' sampling rate is 8kHz, 16bit, mono and about 7 sec. Mel-Spectogram when sr = 16000 Mel-Spectogram when sr = 44100 But as you can see, whenever I extract…
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