Questions tagged [audio-processing]

Audio processing involves the study of mathematical and signal processing techniques to understand or alter the nature of audio signals. The different kind of audio signals under study include speech, music, environmental audio and computer audio. Audio is analyzed in the temporal or spectral domain by applying various filters.

473 questions
3 answers

How to write C++ audio processing applications?

I'm an Electronics and Telecommunications student, next to my graduation. I'm gonna work on a project that involves my knowledge about DSP, music and audio in general. I allready know all the basic mathematic instruments and all the stuff I need to…
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4 answers

Is there an algorithm to get the Scale and Key of a song from a series of notes?

I've got a series of MIDI notes stored in array in the form of MIDI note number. Is there an algorithm that would get me the key and scale of the song represented by these notes?
Amr Hesham
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5 answers

Convert audio to text

I just want to know if there is any build in libraries or external libraries in Java or C# that allow me to take an audio file and parse it and extract the text from it. I need to make an application to do so, but I don't know from where I can…
Amira Elsayed Ismail
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1 answer

How to add an external audio track to a video file using VLC or FFMPEG command line

I want to add an audio.mp3 soundtrack to a soundless video.mp4 file using a bash script, what is the correct syntax of the "cvlc" "ffmpeg" command line ? I've recorded the video with VLC and --no-audio option so there is no settings such as bit rate…
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2 answers

Sound recognition API, SDK (Android)

I need to make an Android app that can recognize certain sound files created by me, and do an action on recognition. So something similar to Shazam/Soundhound, but with my own sound files. Is there any API or SDK or something for this? I've read…
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4 answers

Python: Change Pitch of Audio File

this is my first post on stack. So far this site has been very helpful, but I am a novice and need a clear explanation to my problem, which is related to pitch-shifting audio in Python. I have the current modules installed: numpy, scipy, pygame, and…
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6 answers

Library for reading audio files

I want to process audio online/live where I constantly read audio samples from an audio file, process these (e.g. apply some effect), and forward the processed samples to an audio output device like a soundcard. The input files have common formats…
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0 answers

How to get & parse the values of ITune's EQ presets

We are trying to implement a music player app with Equalizer presets. We are successful in getting presets from iPod and applying it through audio unit. But, now we need to display sliders and set frequency with respect to the selected preset. But…
1 answer

Open source FSK decoder library?

I'm looking for a library or tool to decode FSK in wav files, e.g. caller id. Currently using the tools bundled with vpb-driver for Voicetronix hardware that is available via debian/ubuntu. But this appears to have an error that I'm trying to debug…
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1 answer

audio comparison with R

I am working in a project where my task deals with speech/audio/voice comparison. This project is used for judging the winner in the competitions(mimicry). Practically I need to capture the user's speech/voice and compare it with the original audio…
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5 answers

processing an audio wav file with C

I'm working on processing the amplitude of a wav file and scaling it by some decimal factor. I'm trying to wrap my head around how to read and re-write the file in a memory-efficient way while also trying to tackle the nuances of the language (I'm…
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1 answer

Android Audio effect on wav file and save it

Requirement Android open a .wav file in sd card, play it , add some effect (like echo, pitch shift etc), save the file with effect. Simple :( What I know I can open and play file using Soundpool or MediaPlayer. I can give some effect while playing…
1 answer

Get Video and Audio buffer separately while recording video using front camera

I dug a lot on SO and some nice blog post But seems I am having unique requirement of reading Video and Audio buffer separately for further processing on it while recording going on. My use case is like When the user starts the Video recording, I…
1 answer

How to train a machine learning algorithm using MFCC coefficient vectors?

For my final year project i am trying to identify dog/bark/bird sounds real time (by recording sound clips). I am using MFCC as the audio features. Initially i have extracted altogether 12 MFCC vectors from a sound clip using jAudio library. Now I'm…
1 answer

Using Mutagen to process all accepted file types

What do I need to do in order to process every file type accepted by mutagen, .ogg, .apev2, .wma, flac, mp4, and asf? (I excluded mp3 because it has the most documentation on it) I'd appreciated if someone who know how this is done could provide…
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