Questions tagged []

Use this tag for questions specifically related to ASP.NET Core 1.1, in addition to using the 'ASP.NET Core' tag.

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298 questions
1 answer

Business model property's lazy loading with ASP.NET Core

I would like to implement the lazy loading on some properties in my business models. How is the best way to do that with ASP.NET Core ? Inject the database context into my model and querying it when the property is used ? Or implement a generic…
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How can I implement PersistedGrantStore on my mongodb database

I am trying to implement PersistedGrantStore on mongodb, I have managed successfully to use mongodb to store users and client and now I am trying to store grants instead of using in memory grant stores I created a class which inherits from…
mohamed elsabagh
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following constructor parameters did not have matching fixture data : DbContextOptions'1options

public class StudentService { } I have a student class where I am accessing MsDbContext to do entity framework related work.In the above code, options are coming from abstractDbBasedService. AbstractDbBasedService : public class…
1 answer

Build ASP.NET Core 1.1 preview4 project in Docker-image microsoft/aspnetcore-build:1.1.0-msbuild

I am currently trying to get an ASP.NET Core 1.1 testproject to build within the microsoft/aspnetcore-build:1.1.0-msbuild docker image. I am running Docker on Windows 10 Pro 64 and have the newest CLI/SDK (1.0.0-preview4-004233) installed. And I…
1 answer

How to POST 2 or more objects to ASP.NET Core WebAPI

I am trying to POST 2 objects to an AspNetCore WebAPI endpoint using Angular 2. I am able to extract the content successfully using the body stream. Is there a more elegant way of achieving this? [HttpPost] …
2 answers

HTTP Error 502.5 - Process Failure after copying ASP.NET Core 1.1 to another machine

I upgraded my ASP.NET Core app from 1.0 to 1.1 following procedures from Official ASP.NET site. The app runs fine on its original location on Windows 10 (upgraded from win 7). But when I copied the app on another machine (Win 7) that also has latest…
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1 answer core 1.1 WCF client causes whole app to crash

I have a PCL that contains a few WCF clients. Below is the project.json: "dependencies": { "NETStandard.Library": "1.6.1", "Newtonsoft.Json": "9.0.1", "System.ComponentModel.Annotations": "4.3.0", "System.Net.Http": "4.3.0", …
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visual studio 2017 remote debugging azure api app: "The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document."

I'm trying to remote debug an core 1.1 api app (targeting .net framework 4.5.2) that's running on Azure. I attach the debugger via Server Explorer. The debugger attaches to the correct process. But any breakpoint I set has the message "The…
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Web API 404 not found after deploy asp net core web application

I Create a solution with vs 2017 that contain two projects: 1- Web Api 2- Asp .Net Core Web Application that access to WebApi controllers via angular services. I have one Web Api controller [Route("api/[controller]/[action]")] public class…
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1 answer core 1.1 material Design Icons

I'm trying to use Material Design Icons in my project. I'm able to make a page successfully, but when I add icons to the page using i tags as described in materializecss documentation their class have the default path i.e. in…
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Get User in method or constructor in Asp.Net Core?

I have an Asp.Net Core API controller where I use the following method to get the user instance: var user = await userManager.GetUserAsync(User); I want to know, is it better to assign the logged in user to the user variable in the controller or…
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Best practices for config file in netcoreapp1.1

I have added the access to the appsettings.json file as a framework service in my Startup.cs: public IConfigurationRoot Configuration { get; } public Startup(IHostingEnvironment env) { var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder() …
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How do I inject my own classes into controllers in ASP.NET MVC Core?

I created my own class for user management called UserManager. I want controllers to have access to a UserManager object to sign in or register users. I understand that I have to provide a parameterized constructor in the controller class that takes…
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