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Use this tag for questions specifically related to ASP.NET Core 1.1, in addition to using the 'ASP.NET Core' tag.

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298 questions
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Communication in ASP.NET Core

Situation: I need to create some kind of controlling part of the communication over Modbus TCP/IP in my ASP.NET Core project. Communication is working correctly with Modbus, but I need to read some Modbus addresses pernamently and I need to set them…
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AspNet Core TestServer DbContext.Update(model) doen't save changes

I currently try to create an integration test which tests an edit step. Editing works (changes are saved in the database, editing works during normal program usage), but the changes are not "stored" in the test-dbcontext. Therefore, if I get the…
1 answer

System.InvalidOperationException: when accessing DbContext

I'm getting an error when running my .Net Core application. I get to accessing the DbContext and this pops up System.InvalidOperationException: 'No database provider has been configured for this DbContext. A provider can be configured by…
Joe Higley
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2 answers Core 1.1.0 uploading file to azure storage - Visual Studio 2017

I imported a project from Visual Studio 2015 into Visual Studio 2017, I had an upload service that worked in 2015 that took a posted IFormFile and uploaded to a container in Azure Storage. I have the following code: public async Task
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How do I add a .NET Core Class Library dll to ASP.Net core project

when I add a .NET core class library dll to my ASP.NET core project and try to use it in my code, I get the following: FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Test.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.…
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Upgrading a .NET Core app that has project.json to the new template without project.json

I have an ASP.NET Core WEB API app that is using project.json and is under source control. My goal is to upgrade it completely as if I just started the project using the latest VS2017 ASP.NET Core 1.1 template. How can I manually do this if…
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Asp Core Static SPA Application , FallbackRoute not working

Given We have a spa webpage in asp core. Asp core just works as a static file handler . To handle refresh scenarios we have a fallback which returns all requests to the template page. Now locally and via docker container everything works…
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IMemoryCache issues, cannot convert to string?

I can't enter the statement if (ConvertedAccessTokenCache.Contains(accessToken)) when I send a request in Postman, I have to check if the AccessTokenCache contains (accessToken) <- Authorization:Bearer c2E6dGVsZWFkcmU1NSxudA==.... But when it checks…
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ASP.NET core 1.1 HTTP Error 502.5 - Process Failure on startup

When I try and startup my ASP.NETcore 1.1 on my server I get the error: HTTP Error 502.5 - Process Failure Common causes of this issue: The application process failed to start The application process started but then stopped The application…
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Microsoft.DotNet.Props not found

I'm installing .Net Core 1.0.1 and the lastest preview tooling for Visualt Studio 2015 Update 3. I've created a project with .Net Core Web API. When I start the solution, it threw me an error box: I created global.json for solution like this: { …
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How to make default Password Reset functionality work in ASP.NET Core

I'm following this Official NET Core tutorial where I've also chosen the Authentication mode as Individual User Accounts. When I try to call ResetPassword Get action method inside the built-in AccountController from a link in the default…
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System.IO.FileNotFoundException .NetCore 1.1

I'm new to .NetCore ,currently building a Webapi application using Asp.NetCore 1.1 which was release few days ago. I have referenced few class library which was developed in .net 4.5.2 When i run the application i'm getting below error when i invoke…
0 answers

Core Web App Broken Out of the Box

I just installed VS 2017 and installed all of the ASP.NET options. I created a new ASP.NET Core 1.1 web site and just tried to build it (I haven't done anything to the project) but the core references are all broken, and all of the namespaces are…
Brian Mains
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1 answer core migrated project.json to csproj and now i can't build for linux/mac

I have migrated my project.json to csproj using the 'Dotnet migrate' command from the terminal. But now I can no longer build or publish my app for osx or Linux using a command like 'dotnet build -f osx.10.11-x64' when I run this it iutputs the…
1 answer

Is TagHelper tooling (Intellisense) broken in Visual Studio 2015 with Update 3 and dotnet core 1.1?

I have what I think is a fully up-to-date installation of Visual Studio 2015 Update 3. If I create a new solution using the "ASP.NET Core Web Application (.NET Core)" template, then select the "Web Application" ASP.NET Core Template with "No…
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