Questions tagged [arangodb]

ArangoDB is a multi-model NoSQL database with a flexible data model for documents, graphs, and key-values collections.

ArangoDB is a multi-model NoSQL database with a flexible data model for documents, graphs, and key-values collections. It targets high-performance applications using a convenient declarative query language AQL and JavaScript extensions.

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1741 questions
3 answers

MongoDB + Neo4J vs OrientDB vs ArangoDB

I am currently on design phase of a MMO browser game, game will include tilemaps for some real time locations (so tile data for each cell) and a general world map. Game engine I prefer uses MongoDB for persistent data world. I will also implement a…
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What factors to consider when choosing a Multi-model DBMS? (OrientDB vs ArangoDB)

I am looking to dip my hands into the world of Multi-Model DBMS, I have no particular use cases, just want to start learning. I find that there are two prominent ones - OrientDB vs ArangoDB, but was unable to find any meaningful comparison,…
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What (in_memory) graph DB if modeling data is focused

I am out of ideas and hope to get some useful input. I am using this question to compress my experiences and share them, hoping to inspire some distributors to go the next step with modeling graph databases as a first class question/way. I've been…
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1 answer

What is the fastest ArangoDB friends-of-friends query (with count)

I'm trying to use ArangoDB to get a list of friends-of-friends. Not just a basic friends-of-friends list, I also want to know how many friends the user and the friend-of-a-friend have in common and sort the result. After several attempts at…
Terry Seidler
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1 answer

Memory usage of ArangoDB

I am trying to understand what the limits of Arangodb are and what the ideal setup is. From what I have understood arango stores all the collection data in the virtual memory and ideally you want this to fit in the RAM. If the collection grows and…
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How to optimize graph traversals in ArangoDB?

I primarily intended to ask this question : "Is ArangoDB a true graph database ?" But, this question would sound quite offending. You, peoples at triAGENS, did a really great job in creating a "multi-paradigm" database. As a user of PostgreSQL,…
Raphaël Braud
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1 answer

Getting data for d3 from ArangoDB using AQL (or arangojs)

I'm building an app based around a d3 force-directed graph with ArangoDB on the backend, and I want to be able to load node and link data dynamically from Arango as efficiently as possible. I'm not an expert in d3, but in general the force layout…
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1 answer

ArangoDB link documents

Is it possible to link documents from different collections in ArangoDB as it is in OrientDB? In OrientDB you can create a field of type LINK and specify the type linked. That creates a relation between both documents. Do I have to use edge…
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3 answers

How to reset password for root in arangodb?

I'm root and I forgot it What can I do now? I tried to reinstall arangodb, remove all databases but after new installation old password still exist
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2 answers

Neo4j vs. ArangoDB when modeling a social network

I want to build a social network. (E.g. Persons have other persons as friends) and I guess a graph database would do the trick better than a classic database. I would like to store attributes on the edges and on the nodes. They can be json, but I do…
Florian Reisinger
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1 answer

ArangoDB document database and also a graph database? How is it possible?

Someone could explain how a document database works as a graph database also? What is the difference between ArangoDB and Neo4j?
Ralf Stein
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1 answer

Connect ArangoDB remotely

I try to connect to ArangoDB which located in another server from my PC but seems unsuccessful. I then tried to access it by using the Web UI provided by typing the server ip http://x.x.x.x:8529 but failed too. I tried my luck on the localhost…
SH. Goh
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2 answers

How to embed ArangoDB in a desktop application

I would like to embed a graph database in my application (shipping for windows, linux & MAC). I narrowed the search down to ArangoDB & OrientDB. I was able to get embedded OrientDB to work but I'd still like to try ArangoDB to make an informed…
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1 answer

What does building an application in Arango Foxx offer beyond a regular node application

I'm learning more about ArangoDB and it's Foxx framework. But it's not clear to me what I gain by using that framework over building my own stand alone nodejs app for API/access control, logic, etc. What does Foxx offer that a regular nodejs app…
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2 answers

ArangoDB AQL: Update single object in embedded array

I am trying to update the attribute on a json document in an embedded array using AQL. How do i update the "addressline" for "home" type address using AQL below? User: { name: "test", address: [ {"addressline": "1234 superway", type:"home"},…
Anjan Rao
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