Questions tagged [arangodb]

ArangoDB is a multi-model NoSQL database with a flexible data model for documents, graphs, and key-values collections.

ArangoDB is a multi-model NoSQL database with a flexible data model for documents, graphs, and key-values collections. It targets high-performance applications using a convenient declarative query language AQL and JavaScript extensions.

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1741 questions
1 answer

How to store key-value data in ArangoDB?

ArangoDB is known to support not only graph and document model, but also key-value model. So my question is: how to store simple key-value data? I read that it could be a problem in ArangoDB: Closed Issue on Github
1 answer

How to use/configure Arangodb with Playframework?

I am working on Playframework with Mongodb, SQL, Postgress, Couchbase How can I integrate Arangodb
Vikas K
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Spring-Boot Application Context with ArangoDB-Repository cannot be created if using @MockBean

We are developing a Spring-Boot application which uses ArangoDB with the Spring-Data integration of the ArangoDB team itself ( We ran into some weird problem when we tried to develop integration tests: when…
Mark Schäfer
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0 answers

Foxx with GraphQL doesn't work

I followed that instruction ArangoDB Foxx example (an example that is described as working by copy & paste) to learn how to use Foxx and GraphQL, but I have errors: at Object.…
1 answer

Error when invoking arangoimp in the shell

When I try to invoke arangoimp with the following: Applications/ in my terminal I get the following error: 2018-03-12T11:26:43Z [49366] ERROR Could not connect to endpoint 'tcp://',…
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1 answer

How can I join the ArangoDB community of developers?

I apologize if this is the wrong forum for this question but honestly there doesn't seem to be a right forum. Can someone tell me who to contact if I would like to join the ArangoDB community and contribute? Thank you, Andrew
0 answers

About arangodb cluster performance improvement

I would like to ask some questions about the cluster network.First of all, I want to know why my cluster log can not be used? Is it because my cluster is not configured? My cluster starts as follows: arangodb --starter.join…
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1 answer

How to retrieve the result of Pregel ArangoDB?

I am a newbie and using ArangoDB 3.2.5. I would like to retrieve the result of pregel in ArangoDB. Here is a simple example in arangosh. var pregel = require("@arangodb/pregel"); var params = {source: "Country/Tunesia"}; var execution =…
0 answers

query to search the comment by id whether the comment in the document exists or not

The following is the sample json I have. I have comments at both object level and alert level. id here represents random UUID. It might be simple but I'm new to arangoDB, Thanks in advance. { id : 172262546 comments[2] 0 : { sourceId …
code gig
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3 answers

(AQL) how to INSERT more than one document INTO a collection

according to ArangoDB documentation, INSERT operation is applicable for a single document insertion. I have an array which may have thousands of objects (documents). Is there a way to INSERT this array of document INTO a collection with a single…
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4 answers

Not sure how to create ArangoDB graph using columns in existing collection

Background I have a rocksdb collection that contains three fields: _id, author, subreddit. Problem I would like to create a Arango graph that creates a graph connecting these two existing columns. But the examples and the drivers seem to only accept…
Gabriel Fair
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1 answer

ArangoDB edge consistency when removing a document

In ArangoDB, I have 2 documents linked by a edge 'uses': A ----uses---> B When I remove the document B in the collection: why the edge isn't removed and refers to a non-existent document? OR: why can I remove de document B if a edge uses…
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1 answer

Arangodb UPDATE 2 different documents in 1 AQL

How can we do it since For v in relation UPDATE { _key: v._from,"foo": false } IN A UPDATE { _key: v._to,"foo": false } IN A would return error of reading modified data. What is the correct way of doing this in AQL?
Loredra L
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1 answer

ArangoDB offset doesn't work in join

I got next tables: users_categories, users. users_categories objects contains "users" fields which has keys only, so I make join: FOR c IN users_categories FILTER c._key == '75a65608-7e9b-4e74-be19-76882209e388' FOR u IN c.users FOR u2 IN users…
1 answer

Arangodb's variable for looping

How can I have an variable that increase over a loop? I tried this AQL and it does not work LET x=0 // I am trying to find a way to increase this one over some conditions FOR v IN male Update v WITH (count:x+1) IN male
Loredra L
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