Questions tagged [appstore-sandbox]

A method of limiting an application's access to system resources (sandbox) required for applications submitted to the Mac App Store and optional for non-AppStore applications.

Per Apple's email to Developer Center members:

As of June 1, 2012 all apps submitted to the Mac App Store must implement sandboxing. Enabling the default sandbox environment is as simple as checking the Enable Entitlements checkbox in Xcode target settings, allowing you to begin sandboxing your app.

Detailed information about App sandboxing can be found in Apple's Developer Center.

396 questions
9 answers

iOS 13 - How to login in in-app purchase Sandbox account?

In order to test my in-app purchases with iOS 13 I have to update one of my test devices to iOS 13.1 beta. On iOS 12 and before there was a special Sandbox login in Settings/iTunes & App Store/Sandbox Account: However, after the update to iOS 13…
Andrei Herford
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2 answers

Mac Sandboxed App Loses File Permissions to Other Apps

I'm developing an app that is currently sandboxed. It acts as a basic text editor. Recently, I wanted to test what happens when I open a file in my app and another app at the same time, make an update in one app, then then see the updated in the…
Scott Harwell
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3 answers

How do I get the users home directory in a sandboxed app?

NSHomeDirectory() is retuning my sandbox root, not my home directory. [@"~" stringByExpandingTildeInPath] is doing the same thing. This /Users/username/Library/Containers/appID/Data is what's being returned. How do I get /Users/username/?
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iOS 12 IAP Sandbox

I was watching this WWDC18 talk, and they've explicitly announced that they'll allow developers to simultaneously connect one Sandbox Account for IAP testing - when in Developer Mode and in iOS12. Screenshot of the moment that they show the…
Guilherme Matuella
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1 answer

Prevent original files from OS X app's sandbox container to be modified via drag and drop or Share Extensions?

I have a shoebox type (as opposed to document based) OS X app that stores images in the app's sandbox container. These images can be shared via Share Extensions (in form of a NSURL) or exported via drag and drop. When an image is shared to an image…
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Alternatives for CGEventPostToPSN() for activating an other app's menu item in a sandboxed environment?

I have this app where I need to activate an other app's menu item (like Print cmd+p) from within my app. Right now I'm using CGEventPostToPSN() to do the job and it works fine, but when I activate sandboxing, it stops working. CGEventPostToPSN(&psn,…
Fabian Kreiser
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1 answer

App Sandbox: document-scoped bookmark not resolving; not returning any error

I'm sandboxing my app, and trying to allow for import/export of multiple files, using an XML file to refer to them. To allow my app (or another sandboxed app) access to the files listed in the XML, I'm also including a serialized security-scoped…
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1 answer

iOS itunesconnect sandbox test account (Invalid Year)

This is so weird! last week I created a test user account and it was just fine but today, it is asking me for adding birth year! as you see in the below screenshot. there's no year field to fill in and it is asking for it?! Apple, are you serious?…
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3 answers

iOS/OSX App Group Ids, start them with "group." or "team-id."?

When creating a App Group id in the Provisioning Portal (or whatever its called now), it says to "Enter a unique identifier for your App Group, starting with the string 'group'" and seems to enforce that in the entry field. Also, lots of sample code…
Pierre Houston
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3 answers

File access in a sandboxed Mac app with swift

I am working on an app for OS X 10.9 with swift, sandboxed. The app needs access to a SQLite database file. I let the user choose/open a file with NSOpenPanel. I then save the file path with NSUserDefaults for later use. I want this file to be…
3 answers

How to run an AppleScript from a sandboxed application on a Mac (OS X)

We are developing an application for the Mac App Store using Qt 5.2.0.Framework on MacOSX 10.9. Here is a simple AppleScript that creates a Microsoft Excel workbook and saves to any location. tell application "Microsoft Excel" set myworkbook to…
3 answers

Creating a security scope bookmark for a file from one of a directory containing it

I have a security scope bookmark for a directory, provided by a user via an openDialog request. I'm trying to create another security scope bookmark for a file inside this directory: NSURL *musicFolder = /* Secured URL Resolved from a NSData,…
Damien Sirkis
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3 answers

iTunes Sandbox Purchasing Not Allowed at This Time

I'm developing an app with in-app purchasing and I am getting this error: You are not authorized to make purchases of this InApp in Sandbox at this time. I am sure I have everything set up correctly. I've made sandbox accounts for purchasing the…
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1 answer

Trouble creating Security-Scoped Bookmark

I'm converting my Lion app to use the App Sandbox. I'm trying to make use of the security-scoped bookmarks feature introduced in 10.7.3 to allow persistent access to a folder. The code I have below returns a nil bookmark, and produces the following…
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1 answer

How will Lion's New Security Model Affect things like Python?

I'm curious to know how the new security model in OS X Lion will affect the future. Specifically, I'm questioning Entitlements and Sandboxing. This isn't a question of whether or not these are good ideas. Rather, this is a question of best guess of…
Professor Tom
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