Questions tagged [appcelerator-hyperloop]

Use for programming or development questions related to Appcelerator's Hyperloop solution to access any (3P) API for developing Native Mobile Apps using JavaScript. Please always include the "appcelerator" tag as well and do not use the "hyperloop" tag which is something else.

See the Tag Info on for more information.

53 questions
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Hyperloop and Google Mobile Ads SDK

I'm trying to use Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK in my appcelerator project since ti.admob ( doesn't seem to support rewarded ads. So I created a Podfile in the top project directory: install! 'cocoapods', …
2 answers

Appcelerator Hyperloop vs. Plain Titanium Modules

I've started playing around with Appcelerator Hyperloop. While it seems great to access native APIs from JS from day zero, it does raise a few questions about architecture of the platform and the performance. Currently (AFAIK) a Titanium app has a…
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Script Error Couldn't find module: hyperloop/ for architecture: x86_64

When trying to use Appcelerator Hyperloop and include a third party library i always get this error tried four different library. The docs state add the podfile. pod "BAFluidView" Run pod install and it…
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Titanium Hyperloop app does not compile due to too small libhyperloop.a lib file

I can't compile my titanium + hyperloop application. The compiler complains about the filesize of my libhyperloop.a, which is 2 bytes. Does this mean the file is corrupt, and does someone knows a workaround? I have inspected the file in both…
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Hyperloop unknown or unsupported type (UIAlertController)

I'm trying out Hyperloop. And I'm trying to run a custom swift script I have in my project (like shown in the exmaple). Here's my swift code: import UIKit public class MySwiftCode : NSObject { func SayHello() { let alertController =…
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Can't run Hyperloop project

I've downloaded the latest SDK from master as explained here: I've also downloaded the latest Hyperloop from here and followed the…
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How do I change the home/back button icon in the actionbar in Titanium using native code?

I would like to change the back/home button icon in Titanium. I am able to do this using the Theme. However I would like to change the icon at runtime after I apply the theme. The actionbar in titanium does not have any property or method to change…
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How to access delivered UNNotifications in Titanium Hyperloop on iOS?

I'm creating an application in Titanium and I'm using hyperloop to access different parts of the native API's and this has been working great. But now I'm trying to count the notifications a user has received based on notification id, but this…
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Hyperloop for Bluetooth LE communication in iOS app?

Can anyone point me to some examples or direction on how I could use Hyperloop to integrate a bluetooth device in my Titanium iOS app? Seems like it should be possible but I've never done Objective-C or native iOS development and I'm not sure the…
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How to fix "Hyperloop.defineClass must return a class definition into a variable" exception in Titanium?

I'm trying to do the simplest thing in Appcelerator Hyperloop to define/create my own class, but it's causing my builds to fail (can't build for the simulator or a device) with a build-time error from the console. I just started with a new blank…
Kevin Southworth
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Failed to enable Hyperloop

Using a Pro account, I created a new app (using Studio), when tried to enable Hyperloop, the popup of progress just disappear without any message and still hyperloop disabled. After checking the Studio logs, I found an error and a suggestion of…
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Hyperloop error when processing Cocoapods dependencies

After downloading the hyperloop-examples files, and running appc ti build -p ios, I get errors when Hyperloop finds the CocoaPods dependencies. The exact error text is: [ERROR] An error occurred during build after 3s 372ms [ERROR] pod install…
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Titanium hyperloop module and TiShadow

Has anyone tried using the new Titanium Hyperloop module (in beta currently) in an app that is compiled and distributed via TiShadow app? Since TiShadow app isn't Alloy, I'm not sure if Hyperloop module will work with TiShadow, which would be a…
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Can Hyperloop be used to do background work or spawn new threads?

I'm wondering if the Appcelerator Titanium Hyperloop module can be used to spawn new threads or do background work that will not block the main UI thread? In other words, I have an expensive or long-running data processing task but I want to run it…
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How much legacy Objective-C code can Hyperloop work with?

Hyperloop looks like an exciting way forward for Appcelerator. I've read the very basic Hyperloop docs and watched the intro video. In the intro video I can see that simple Swift or Objective-C files can be used, I'm interested to find out how much…
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