Questions tagged [android-speech-api]

The API for Android platform that provides support for both speech recognition and speech synthesis.

The API for Android platform that provides support for both speech recognition and speech synthesis.

58 questions
2 answers

Using Android Speech Recognition APIs from Google Glass

I'm working to adapt an existing Android application to run on Google Glass, as a proof of concept. I would like to use voice input in my application to replace some features that currently require touch input. I can deploy my APK to Google Glass…
Malcolm Smith
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4 answers

Muting the Google voice recognition beep sound

I have a test app that uses Google voice in a continuous manner and it plays the beep sound every time Google recognition service is called. I am trying to get rid of the beep sound. I have read threads of muting the music stream but that would not…
3 answers

Google speech Api v1 not working?

I have developed an app using the Google speech Api v1"+language_code; and this link was used to get the response. It was working fine but just from today it's not…
1 answer

SpeechRecognizer not available when targeting Android 11

While testing an application after increasing the targetLevel to 30, I found that the SpeechRecognizer is not available any more, i.e. SpeechRecognizer.isRecognitionAvailable() always return false. If I set the targetLevel back to 29, without…
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API limit for Google Android Speech recognition

Android has a speech recognition API well documented over here. Now, if I plan to integrate this in my application, I want to know what is limit to the API calls/requests that I can make to the Google server using Speech API. Is this commercially…
Parth Doshi
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0 answers

SpeechRecognizer Error 4 ERROR_SERVER - Server sends error status

What can Google mean - "server error"? That is not a particularly helpful error. Has anyone seen this error before? I'm posting the code here. The code usually works fine and it is only very few devices this happens on so I imagine it is more to do…
1 answer

Google Cloud Speech API gives UNAVAILABLE: Channel in TRANSIENT_FAILURE state in Android

I have been using Google Cloud Speech API for a while. I am specifically following Google Speech Demo provided by google. It is working with very great efficiency in devices with version 5.0 and higher. But when I run it in Android version lower…
1 answer

SpeechRecognizer.isRecognitionAvailable() always false in Android 11

As the title implies, SpeechRecognizer.isRecognitionAvailable() returns false in Android 11 and I am not sure why that is as the device (Pixel 3 XL) is equipped to recognize speech. The documentation doesn't indicate that it changed in API v30. The…
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1 answer

How to prevent Android SpeechRecognizer from making noise after being destroyed?

I am using android.speech.SpeechRecognizer and am having a problem where it makes a distinctive clang sound even after I've called its stopListening(), cancel(), and destroy() methods. Here is how I create and destroy the SpeechRecognizer in…
Ellen Spertus
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1 answer

Android Continuous Speech Recognition

I'm working on an application that would require continuous speech recognition. The app will listen for only a few defined keywords, but once the listener gathers the users voice input, it will need to keep listening for more keywords until the user…
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0 answers

Adjust Background noice sensitivity in Android Speech-to-text recognition

Android Speech-to-text is very sensitive to background noises. The use-case is to use Speech-to-text in an area where light background noises will be constant. Want to control the speech recognition only with certain voice levels. Tried working…
0 answers

Android M Speech volume

Currently I'm learning how to use the Android Speech library. I tested it with various stream types. This is my code: Bundle params = new Bundle(); params.putInt(TextToSpeech.Engine.KEY_PARAM_STREAM, AudioManager.STREAM_ALARM); …
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0 answers

Android Speech Recognizer not connected to the recognition service

I want to introduce permanent voice recognition feature in my Android application. I am aware with the fact that voice recognition freezes from time to time on Android 4.1.1 and 4.2 and because of that I built up a timer and from time to time I…
Ispas Claudiu
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1 answer

Which event is triggered when speech-to-text is activated on android soft-keyboard?

I want to trigger an additional event in an android app when the default speech recognition button is touched on the android soft-keyboard. Is there any method catching this event, or what is the code for the speech recognition button to modify the…
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2 answers

Speech Recognizer on Google Wear in Emulator no voice input

I was trying to use the Free-form Speech Input from Google Wear site. From the hello world example, I just added a click on textView. It does bring up the Speak Now activity from the speech intent, but the emulator was not able to detect any sound…
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