Questions tagged [android-speech-api]

The API for Android platform that provides support for both speech recognition and speech synthesis.

The API for Android platform that provides support for both speech recognition and speech synthesis.

58 questions
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Android-speech-api + pocketsphinx android cause ERROR_SPEECH_TIMEOUT

After listening for a keyword (using pocketsphinx) i try to start the google speech recognizer but getting many calls of onRmsChanged() with negative numbers and than get the…
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Increase Speed Recognition Engine accuracy in Android

I am using SpeechRecognizer and RecognizerIntent for speech to text in android and here is my code: recognizerIntent = new Intent(RecognizerIntent.ACTION_RECOGNIZE_SPEECH); recognizerIntent.putExtra(RecognizerIntent.EXTRA_LANGUAGE,…
1 answer

Android SpeechRecognizer words pool / context

When using Android SpeechRecognizer I can see that it also uses my contacts as source for words to resolve some of what been said and translate it into text. Is there an api to supply a bank of words for the speech recognition engine, instead of…
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Android offline speech recognition without a pop up dialog

I have followed this stackoverflow post and created an activity. Now on click of a button I start speech recognition but it returns with error "ERROR_SERVER" as soon as I click on the button, It simply does not listen. It does not make any…
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Executing code after MediaPlayer is done playing?

I was wondering I'm working on an Android app where MediaPlayer/TextToSpeech is used to tell the user something and then a Speech Recognition object opens up after the MediaPlayer/TextToSpeech finishes and another is played after they answer the…
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Android Project Compile Issues - From Eclipse to Android Studio

I am attempting to learn special functions of Android and have attempted to compile the app project listed below, but unfortunately it does not appear to compile on Android Studio. Is anyone able to help on this issue? It will be very beneficial for…
S Hu
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Why Android Text To Speech initialization Is slow?

I am implementing TTS (Text to Speech) support in my Android app. I am showing my code : TextSpeech textSpeech = new TextSpeech(); textToSpeech = new TextToSpeech(this, textSpeech); private class TextSpeech implements…
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Adding a regional language to Android speech

I am new to android development in speech. I want to know whether it is possible to add a new regional language to android speech package (may be by creating new language model and dictionary and adding it to android). Plz help...
1 answer

does Android SpeechRecognizer can recognize only English?

I am using following code to recognize text. At first I invoke the dialog to choose language for recognition. That I pass that argument to RecognizerIntent. Unfortunatly, only "en-US" is recognized on my phone(I also tried "fr-FR" and "ru-RU"). Is…
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how text to speech works in android

I am creating an android application using text to speech capability I used the built in text to speech I only want to know how it has been developed and maintained in the android SDK, if any one knows a termed paper about developing text to speech…
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SpeechRecognitionService with word recognition

The title it's not clear i think. In my project i want a service that runs in background and when the user says "hello phone" or some word/phrase my app starts to recognize the voice. Actually it "works" but not in right way... I have a service and…
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how to record a voice when user is talking and how to play recorded voice when user was stop talking ?

I am writing SpeechRecognizer class inside service class to recognize the voice and to record and play it in background continuously, but this code was not working. Can any one give me an Idea how can I do that? This is my Activity class: public…
2 answers

How to get a list of languages supported by the Speech Recognition API on Android?

I found this on stackoverflow: How to set the language in speech recognition on android? . The top answer explains how to do so programmatically by broadcasting an intent with the list of languages to a new activity and you can store that list in a…
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