Questions tagged [android-keystore]

The Android system requires that all installed applications be digitally signed with a certificate whose private key is held by the application's developer. "Android keystore" may also refer to Android Keystore System, introduced in API level 18, which allows storing cryptographic keys securely within an app.

Android requires that all apps be digitally signed with a certificate before they can be installed. Android uses this certificate to identify the author of an app, and the certificate does not need to be signed by a certificate authority. Android apps often use self-signed certificates. The app developer holds the certificate's private key.

"Android keystore" may also refer to Android Keystore System, introduced in API level 18, which allows storing cryptographic keys securely within an app.

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882 questions
3 answers

Google Maps API V2 blank map after installation on real device

When I emulate the app from eclipse using the device everything's OK, but after I generate the apk file and have it installed, my map is blank. I followed these steps: Generate a new keytool keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-keystore-name.keystore …
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1 answer

Play Store Beta Testing, Android Keystore, and Hired Developer

So I have several "issues". I hired a developer for my apps, and he needs live access Play Store Alpha / Beta testing. We are testing In-App purchasing, and it cannot be tested on device. I granted him permission (from dev console) to access…
1 answer

I lost my android key store

I did not properly create the keys, where he is now? I created the keys, where I create the application where keys is now? (there is only one file LM.apk, but he did not keys)
Max Usanin
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2 answers

launching apps (using google apis) in android device directly from eclipse

My android app is using MapView and hence using the google api's. Problem is that for testing my app I have to export apk file with my keystore , install the app in device and then run it for checking the output and it consumes a lot of time. Is…
0 answers

keytool error: C:\Users\vidxm\OneDrive\Documents\game\Android_Multi (Access is denied)

I am trying to make a new Keystore but I got an error and I can't seem to fix it. I really need some help so can someone help me. I tried to change the path but it did not work
3 answers

Android app Keystore password reset

How to reset Keystore password for android. I can't update application on play store. How to resolve this problem? When I tried to update the application with the new key then play store rejected it. I have the old Keystore file but the password is…
AAhmad Blal
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1 answer

keytool is not recognized as an internal/external command, operable program or batch file

When i use a command keytool -genkey -v -keystore MY-RELEASE-KEY.keystore -alias MY_ALIAS_NAME -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 I get error like this 'keytool' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch…
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1 answer

I lost my key store password, I want to update my app on plays store with same keystore

I lost my key store password, I want to update my app on plays store but don't want to loose my user base. Can any one suggest me how to update app or how I can get my key store password. Thanks in advance.
Aman Systematix
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1 answer

keystore was tampered with or password was incorrect?

Format My computer I copy my work space backup after I put my work space in my c/user/pcname/ past here "i upgrade my application and export my password is not incorrect that give me message keystore was tampered with or password was incorrect?"…
1 answer

Android Keystore from APK

Is there anyway to get the keystore file from .apk, Unfortunately the keystore file is missed now i need to update my app which is there is Google Play. Please help, Thnx in advance
1 answer

Android - Different keystore with same passwords and alias

I forgot my passwords for my keystore and got the "keystore is tampered or passwords incorrect" message I finally found the passwords using the logs but I still get the same error message. Firstly is this because I entered the passwords too many…
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2 answers

Update unsigned android apk in play store

We have an app published on play store and the developer has given us the unsigned app. How do we proceed in updating the existing app without it being signed? Is it possible to update an existing app with an unsigned apk after we sign it?
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