Questions tagged [launching]

61 questions
7 answers

Opening non-default browser with lite-server in angular2 quick start guide

Having followed the TypeScript version of the Angular 2 Quick Start guide, I was wondering if it is possible, and if so how to configure the lite-server to launch a browser other than the default. It seems lite-server will take command line args,…
Eric Lease
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2 answers

Click a button --> Launch a *.exe file

Basically, what I want to do is launch an *.exe file when I click on a button. I want this done in VB.NET. I have Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition. The button I have is called 'btnYES'. How can I launch an *.exe file from the click of…
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1 answer

when I launch android application Error at processing input stream throws public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { LinearLayout llStats; TextView txtPlayCount, txtEarned; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); …
indrajit narvekar
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3 answers

Can't launch Android Studio

I installed succesfully Android Studio on Windows 7 64bit, but it fails at launching. The following screenshots illustrate what happens. I read the answer here but still have not found the solution. I've done the following things: Set…
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Xamarin Android: Application crashed after clear data in Settings

This is the error I have copied from the logcat. I don't know why the application crashed after clear the data in the App Settings screen. 02-20 17:22:29.980 839-1094/? I/InputReader: Apps event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.44 ]…
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How to setup a JDI launching connector?

So I'm trying to work myself into JDI. I was already successful hooking my debugger application into my debugee program by first starting the debuggee with VM commands: -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=8000 and then launching my…
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How do I launch AppCode from the terminal?

I know that you can quickly launch PyCharm to work on a particular Python project directory by just doing: charm directory In this case, the charm command lives in /usr/local/bin. But can do you do the same of AppCode, pointing it to a .xcodeproj or…
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How to minimizing android app cache size

my android app cache size is around 40MB when i load the app into device and it is showing blank screen while launching the app for 1st time. i have no idea how to resolve this challenge, please help. these are the libraries i am…
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3 answers

Get path+filename of file that was opened with my application

I'm an amateur at c# and I've been unable to locate the answer to this. Perhaps I am not aware of the correct terms to use. When a video file is dragged onto my exe application, I would like the application to know that it was launched with a file…
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1 answer

How do I specify the classpath for a JDI launching connector; using Eclipse?

I'm doing essentially the same thing as the original poster of this question. In my case, I'm trying to run the Sun/Oracle JPDA example programs in Eclipse Kepler on OS X 10.8.5, with Oracle jdk1.7.0_72. However, the documentation for those examples…
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1 answer

NoClassDefFoundError: org/codehaus/jdt/groovy/integration/LanguageSupport after launching Eclipse

I get these exceptions when opening Groovy files: org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Exception in org.codehaus.groovy.eclipse.refactoring.Activator.start() of bundle org.codehaus.groovy.eclipse.refactoring. at…
Aaron Digulla
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1 answer

Launching iOS App in UI Testing Mode from Windows 10

It is obvious that we can run iOS App (.ipa, .app) in UITest mode from MacOSX using Xcode or Xcode command line tools. But I saw some test-automation tools, who can launch App in UITesting mode (Appium Studio, QUAmotion, Ranorex, ..etc) from…
1 answer

How can i get which application launch by user programatically?

Is there any way to get user launching app information like package name or any information about that application. i make one service which get all running process and then i just compare with my deserving package name but i want Broadcast…
Bhanu Sharma
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2 answers

Blocking version of AtomicReference - Wait for an Eclipse Launch to terminate

I am looking for a blocking version of AtomicReference to avoid such active waiting: AtomicReference ref = new AtomicReference(); // execute some code in a different thread and set the reference Object o; while ((o = ref.get()) ==…
Danny Lo
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0 answers

The terminal process failed to launch: A native exception occurred during launch (Error launching WinPTY agent: agent executable does not exist: '

The terminal process failed to launch: A native exception occurred during launch (Error launching WinPTY agent: agent executable does not exist: '\?\C:\Users\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS…
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