Questions tagged [android-filterable]

132 questions
2 answers

mark of checkbox disappear on filter in a listview

I am trying to create list of contacts with checkbox in each item of the listview and name of the contact. I have written a filter which searches by name of the contact. The problem is when I filter through some name and then check that item and…
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How to get onItemclick from listview in a AlertDialog

I have an Activity with three Identical Buttons and three Identical TextViews. Each button onClick invokes a AlertDialog by following code: PickerDialog = new PickerDialogFragment();,…
1 answer

android: nothing shows up in autocomplete result

I have implemented Filterable for my AutoCompleteTextView: public class IdiomAdapter extends BaseAdapter implements Filterable{ Context context; List idioms; public IdiomAdapter(Context context, List idioms){ …
Sirwan Afifi
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how do I correctly implement Filterable to search in a BaseAdapter?

I display a friend list in a ListView and use a TextWatcher set on an EditText to allow search. This works with 1 limitation (which I am not getting): typing a character correctly filters the list, removing a char however doesn't do anything. The…
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nullpointerexception on the string.isEmpty() method

ok, well I created my own custumadapter class for using in a listview, and I am getting a nullpointerexception on line 178 that says "if(inputSearch.getText().toString().isEmpty())" can someone help me see why I am getting this? here is my…
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How to filter the listview in android?

There are many solutions provided to this question, but I am not getting exactly where I am going wrong. I have a custom adapter, and I want to filter it. My adapter class is as follows. public sendivitesadapter(Context context,ArrayList
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AutocompleteTextView suggestions always selecting the first item in suggestions

I'm facing an issue that I cannot solve. I have created an AutoCompleteTextView that displays filtered suggestions from remote JSON data. The suggestions box pops up fine and filters properly. I have two issues which I cannot understand. When…
Fabrizio Mazzoni
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Autocomplete edit text filtering based on two different data columns

I am following an example for doing an autocomplete in my app,the code I am following is @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); mList =…
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MyArrayAdapter filterable?

I have a custom ArrayAdapter that extends ArrayAdapter: class MyAdapter extends ArrayAdapter implements Filterable{ Context context; String [] data; MyAdapter (Context context, String [] data) { super(context,…
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Implementing Fiterable interface to custom ArrayAdapter

My goal is to use ArrayAdapter to load a ListView with 20 custom object of songs and have the adapter to be able to return appropriate song objects whose album name contains the string the user inputs in a search view. So far the 20 songs show up…
3 answers

how to do search operation in custome listview with image

I am trying to set the search in a custom listview there is a run time error dont know why i followed one of the stack over flow post .here is what i m trying activity code: private ArrayList songarr = new ArrayList<>(); private…
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1 answer

Implement Custom Filtering based on various parameters in Android

I am developing an education based app which lists of subjects and containing courses. It is implemented using View Pager(which has list of courses in subject) and PagerTabStrip(containing subject name) class Subject contains List of Courses public…
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