Questions tagged [android-filter]

83 questions
1 answer

How to implement multiple filtering on RecyclerView based android app?

Currently, I have developed an Activity to show list of data using RecyclerView with searching feature (as seen at image_1). I want to add filtering option to the toolbar similar to the filter on the Youtube app (see image_2). Can anyone can give…
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My app won't show up on the chooser dialog for android.intent.action.VIEW with mime type video/* only on Marshmallow

Basically when an app shares a video url my app is supposed to show up on the list but it doesn't. Neither does MXPlayer but the Google Photos media player shows up fine as well as allcast (which had a recent release to fix this). I wrote a quick…
3 answers

How to get original item position after filter in Android RecyclerView adapter?

I have implement filter in android recyclerview adapter. But problem is that when I filtered item than position of item changed. I need the original position of the item after filter? How can i get it? Here is my code: public class SearchAdapter…
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Implement Android Search Filters like FourSquare or Ebay

My question is about filtering in Android. Both Ebay and Foursquare have what looks to be a dialog fragment that slides in from the right. Within this fragment are several nested listviews that open and expand to fill the fragment. When a nested…
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GridView with filter menu button in Android

I have some troubles: I've got a simple GridView, in which I have two categories of items. I wanted to add three Menu Buttons to have a Filter for this GridView and show/hide the items with the category selected. For the example, with the…
3 answers

android : adding SearchView inside a ListView with Custom Adaptor

I'm creating a an app with 3 tab fragments . this is one of the fragments,, the data is shown in list-view. Im facing trouble in adding a search filter to the list-view .. I have added search view to this fragment and list and everything working…
2 answers

How to find filter Logcat configuration in Android Studio 1.0?

I know how to do the actual logcat filtering but I can't find the icon for it. This is a view of the Logcat demonstration that I am following. I saw that this is the standard view for Logcat - How to filter logcat in Android Studio?. However this…
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Update MultiAutoCompleteTextView dropdown android

I want to implement a user tagging feature in my android application. I want the same functionality that Facebook has with user tags in comments. For that I implemented a Custom MultiAutoCompleteTextView in my app, and I also wanted to display both…
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Android contact search

I want to implement a contact search with simplecursoradapter. And it should behave like standard android contact search. The problem is I can't write filter right. Now I have something like this: private FilterQueryProvider filterQueryProvider =…
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AutoSearchTextView dropdown flickers when data changes

I have an AutoSearchTextView in the actionbar. When I filter the data the dropdown hides and then shows very quickly. I really would prefer the effect on the play store, where you filter results, the dropdown is always visible but the content in…
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Filter on listview disappear listitems while entering something into edittext

I am suffering a weird problem. Actually I have a customize listview in which I am using a filter, everything working fine but when I am typing a text to edittext it disappear the all listitem. I am strange why this going on with me, still I am not…
Ankita Sinha
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2 answers

getFilter() on a custom ArrayAdapter not working

I am using a Custom ArrayAdapter to store User information for example sammy, robert, lizie are each one User objects and i am using a User type ArrayList to store all the User objects to ArrayList. And because it is not a string or int (The…
1 answer

Google Play, filter app by software sensor

I'm developing an app which uses rotation vector to determine angle of the device relative to the ground. To get that angle I use one of rotation vectors. TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR - for devices which have gyroscope and…
0 answers : How to Adding a search filter for a Parse ListView inside inside a Fragment

I'm trying to add a Search filter for a ListView which is inside a tab fragment . the data is called from parse server using and adapter . my fragment java file is below import android.os.Bundle; import android.text.Editable; import…
2 answers

Listview filter adapter.getFilter().filter(by more than one value)

I have created a list view in android and I already implement search filter by using searchview and charsequence as parameter like this searchView.setOnQueryTextListener(new SearchView.OnQueryTextListener() { @Override …
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