Questions tagged [android-filterable]

132 questions
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Why is my Array List throwing a null pointer exception even after initialisation?

I am working on a search feature for my app. I implemented Filterable method to my Home Adapter. My array list is throwing a null pointer exception and I have seen many other similar questions in which the problem was not initializing the array…
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How to update android RecyclerView items after search filter?

I am trying to filter a RecyclerView using Android Filterable class. I've followed this tutorial Android RecyclerView adding Search Filter to get this task done. The project runs without errors, I displayed the result array in log and I'm getting…
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getFilter() is not working properly in RecyclerView adapter?

I have getFilter in my recyclerView adapter class. It is not working properly if I search a name that starts with 'A' there is no change in the list results. Suppose I search a name that starts with 'S', the name will come to the top of the list.…
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No data toast in android while search results do not match

I have implemented filterable. I have checked filter results on onPublished i.e if(filterResults.count==0) and toast over there but it shows the toast every time searchtext matches or not, See below for the reference, Here is my code on…
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Android Filtered list item not removing after click

I have a custom adapter extends Base adapter and implements Filterable. When i write something to searchview filter is working well. Before filtering when i click the list item of listview, it is removed successfully. But after filtering when i…
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My Filterable Adapter is finding results but not displaying

I have implemented Filterable in my RecyclerView.Adapter<> to search for specific locations by either their name or district. I log the result in every iteration in the performFiltering() method in the Filter like so where filteredLocationList is a…
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Filterable with multi-select list

I would like to have a multiselect spinner with a search option for it. I have already implemented a spinner with a search option. I would like some help with multiselect. Here is my code: Adapter class: using System; using…
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AutoCompleteTextView with Custom Adapter filtering not working

I have a autocomplete text view in my android project which is working fine but it only works if first value is entered in it. So for making it more customizable, I have added the below class public class CustomArrayAdapterWIthFilter extends…
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Custom listView getting wrong position after Filter

I am new on Android, when i filter listview with baseadapter than i got true results but after click on this item,i can't get related values of that item. Like original list : A - B -C -D After filtered list : B - C - D when i click "B" in filtered…
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Filter a ListView with custom adapter and custom row in a fragment

I have a ListView with a custom adapter in a fragment. Everything works fine but now I'm trying to implement a way for filtering the list when typing in an EditText (I've tried a SearchView but it did not work either). Each row has two EditTexts and…
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Custom Filtering of ListView with a Custom List Adapter including section headers

I am trying to filter a custom List View with a custom Adapter. I am having problems with duplicating the original Data and putting it back in the list, when the search parameter changes or goes to empty. The filtering does work for the first input…
Johannes Mols
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cant Get Original Index from Filtered list view

I have a listview and an editText to filter data. It filters data correctly but e.g, if I filter list and open filtered item it shows me the data of item which was at index 0 of original list not that of filtered item. My Adapter class: public class…
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Search for Keyword in ListView with Custom Adapter

I have a list view with a search EditText above it. Each row in the list view consists of several texts and pictures. When the user enters a keyword in the search EditText, I want the listview to be updated with the rows that contain the keyword. I…
Traveling Salesman
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android tab view fragment Recycler view search filter item clicked get wrong position

Hi i have found "this" codes that filter reyclerview tab fragments i tried to use the idea and works fine, but the problem is when i get the filter results and click such item lets say onclick i want to send value to another activity or toast the…
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Filter in SearchView not working in Android

I am developing a search function, in which if I enter a search keyword in a searchview in android, i should get the list of the students matching my search word. I have written a code but getting an error. plaese let me know if i am using the…
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