Questions tagged [android-filterable]

132 questions
2 answers

getFilter() on a custom ArrayAdapter not working

I am using a Custom ArrayAdapter to store User information for example sammy, robert, lizie are each one User objects and i am using a User type ArrayList to store all the User objects to ArrayList. And because it is not a string or int (The…
1 answer

ListView using a custom Adapter to implement a Filter is getting IndexOutOfBoundsException

I have a custom ListView. It works fine except when attempting to filter a user search. The code for displaying the ListView: private void listShow() { warranties=db.getAllServWarr(); adapter=new…
0 answers

Espresso and Filterable

I have list view with Filterable adapter installed into it. And I am trying to cover this with test using Espresso lib. It seems that Espresso does not wait for filter operation (as Filter does it in outside of main thread) Is there any convenient…
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Searching in a listview using a Custom Adapter with text and images

I am configuring a resource in my app to search in a Listview using a custom Adapter. I using an EditText to type the string and passing the text to Adapter on addTextChangedListener Event, but it is not working. I configure the adapter with…
1 answer

Android : Filterable not working on text clear

I have custom listview and I have implemented SearchView to filter data. When we type something for search listview get filter correctly, but when I clear some characters from search text listview doesn't filter data. It remain constant at last…
Ashish Kudale
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2 answers

Listview filter adapter.getFilter().filter(by more than one value)

I have created a list view in android and I already implement search filter by using searchview and charsequence as parameter like this searchView.setOnQueryTextListener(new SearchView.OnQueryTextListener() { @Override …
1 answer

How efficient in terms of speed is a Filterable custom ArrayAdapter?

I need to search a varchar column of SQLite database for a word from my app and show the results in a listview. Currently I'm using Mensa library Mensa Github Link because of the speed it offers for even very very long texts. In another project I've…
1 answer

listview searchview android doesn't do search

So the problem is that when I type in something it just won't search. I need it to do basic search like when I type a letter or number it will filter it. This is my Adapter class: public class KnjigeSearchAdapter extends ArrayAdapter
1 answer

Android : Change CheckBox checked value in ListView when getFilter() called

I recently posted my Question for MultiSpinner values to choose Multiple values from Spinner dialog. I've done successfully with following class. package com.example.multiplechoicelistwithfilter; import…
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Android ListView search only change target value in the row, all other data on row do not change

I am trying since last some days but I didn't achieve my goal. The problem I am facing in my code is when I type in EditText for search in list view as the searching criteria depend on 'Policy No'. It works perfect for single value (Policy No) and…
0 answers

Filtering ListView IndexOutOfBoundsException

After writing inside the EditText i get this exception: E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main Process: android_team.gymme_client, PID: 7500 java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 1 at…
1 answer

Listview custom filter gives wrong item on-clicked in filtered list

When I filter my list and click on an item in listview it gives the wrong item information. Suppose my list contains X, Y, Z. And when I search the list for things starting with Y, I will get Y, but when I click Y, it returns me X or any random item…
1 answer

Problem with TextWatcher and position of ListView element after applying the filter to the list

I'm working on an android application which shows a list view with data from SQL database. After a click on a list view element, a new Activity opens with information about it. I already implemented a Textwatcher to do the search in a list and the…
1 answer

Unable to implement Filterable to Object type ArrayList

Am trying to implement Filterable in my recyclerview which contains here is the code private Filter exampleFilter = new Filter() { @Override protected FilterResults performFiltering(CharSequence constraint) { …
sanoj lawrence
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How to filter firebase realtime database results by using Filterable class

I am looking for something like that ArrayList models = new ArrayList(); mSearchView.setOnQueryTextListener(new SearchView.OnQueryTextListener(){ @Override public boolena onQueryTextSubmit(String str){ …
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